When I click on my maps it comes up with this and a youtube video :confused:

Create and share your own maps
Map places and routes you know. Add text, photos, or video, and share the results. Learn more
well, as someone about to embark on a major road trip, i am likely to use this a lot, on the assumption that, if you have made your whereabouts known, you would be happy to provide a cuppa, or the address of somewhere you can get one, plus a LR mechanic if needs must. I think its brilliant. Give the man a medal!
****!! this is still here?

I created the original map in 2009 and never returned back to it! there's loads of peeps on it now!
When I click on 'Landyzone', it give me an option to collaborate. I'm not French, so don't think this is the right option.....

Edit.... Apologies if someone else beat me to this punchline - I've just noticed there are 30 pages.....
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just added myself, not great with fixing stuff, but got a garage full of tools and a towing strop, if any one ever needs a hand, another vehicle and some tools i can bring can always be more helpful than i might be myself! if you guys know what your doing with them haha

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