Well looking at streetview there is a sign there for Global Engines as an MOT station, which we can count as a positive rather than a negative. Although the phone no. doesnt match the website.
They have a lot of very positive google reviews, possibly too many...? Maybe being too cynical now.
I'd go have a look around personally
if their not breaking them for other parts how are the disposing of the remains?
i dought very much if they have breakers licence, waste carriers licence or waste collection for old oil ect,
maybe environmental health could shut them down?
If the situation is like in parts of Manchester then many of the other businesses in the locality could also be owned by Asians. They, or family/associates, could well own a scrap yard so disposal would not be an issue.
There's a lot of peeps in this fred who have lost vehicles to the sunbeam street garage.

Have any of you had contact by the police, DVLA, local Wolverhampton Council or similar, about yer vehicle being abandoned or scrapped? Have you received any notification or similar from official agencies relating to this?
Deleted/Altered on advice
Perhaps vehicles are scrapped by Uncle/cousin/brother/whatever Rir/Rbir at
Sigh was appointed sole shareholder/director of car breakers
Three years wouldn't be the time period which has to pass before the director of a company which has been struck off is allowed to be a named director of another company would it?
I've heard the phrase "dropping his aitches" but never thought it meant on official documents
There is only one way to avoid this kind of underhand behaviour and that is to avoid doing business with these people:mad:
(surely not aR5e Singh people around)
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There's a lot of peeps in this fred who have lost vehicles to the sunbeam street garage.

Have any of you had contact by the police, DVLA, local Wolverhampton Council or similar, about yer vehicle being abandoned or scrapped? Have you received any notification or similar from official agencies relating to this?

I think your question is spot on. Collecting data like this is really important. Our residents battle here about a drug dealing family was first and foremost a battle to show the Police and Council were doing nothing. It was at least as important to collect evidence against the police and Council as it was against the criminals, We are close to success now and a big part of that was making the issue personal to the Chief Constable and Head of the Local Authority so that they could not hide behind junior staff. We compiled a diary and sent it to them every week so that they could never claim ignorance. Our primary objective was to ensure that the chief Constable and Head of the Council were loosing sleep, once we achieved that the rest was just people doing the job they were paid to do (by our taxes).
Sadly there is so much petty crime these days that all a victim of a car theft or burglary etc can expect from the authorities is a crime number for the insurance company, once upon a time if your house was burgled you could expect at least the local beat Bobby to call round and cadge a cup of tea and a biscuit while he took notes. Sometimes his knowledge of the community would give him a good idea of who may have committed the crime..Sadly all the beat Bobbies are gone.
Nowadays the Police will evaluate the crime and carry out an ‘investigative assessment’.
The information is reviewed and based on 'Four Key Facts' they decide whether it is worth investigating
The 4 key facts are:
vulnerability of the victim........Wouldn't often be applicable to theft of a motor vehicle.
severity of the offence........The only time theft of a car would be considered to be severe is if it is 'aggravated'
likelihood it can be solved .......Let's be honest here. If it's found burnt out, It's solved, If it's flagged up by ANPR as uninsured and found to be on false plates. It's solved. If parts showing vin numbers or other identifying marks are found in a chop shop, or indeed on another car 6 months down the line. It's solved. Other than fate taking a hand it's unlikely to be solved.
the most effective use of resources ..... The theft of your car won't be at all important to the bean counters back at Police headquarters. "It's insured isn't it?"
When the Police do take an interest in the dealings of scrap yards it usually amounts to no more than looking for micro-dotted or smart water marked copper.

The newspapers yesterday carried the story of Jamie Olivers' stolen tractor and trailer, Police were called as the theft was occurring, they were provided with the reg number of the thieves Mercedes, they weren't interested. Oliver and staff tracked the tractor to a remote field which is well known locally as a place used by thieves to stash goods which may have tracker fitted. They found the tractor and trailer plus loads of other goods and equipment. Again the Police were called and again were not interested in potentially finding forensic evidence so Jamie Oliver took his tractor/trailer home and a local farmer came and collected everything else and took it home for safe keeping until it could be reunited with the rightful owners.
I agree, that's my point. The only way to get action is to link the pain felt by victims to pain felt by the Chief Constable and head of the Local Authority. Once they realise pain in victims is now their pain they pass that pain onto their staff who then pass it on to the criminals. Out objective was to create a situation for the Chief constable that not acting on our complaints was more aversive than doing nothing. It took planning and coordination but we did it. This scam needs someone to set up a victims whatsapp group and create an action plan targeting the Police and LA, forget the criminals.
Chasing the police or others won't change anything. They have already been interviewed and investigated by the relevant officials involved. Unless peeps have new evidence to put forward, there isn't much else that can be done. Premises already visited and looked at. They have already been charged with fraud which we assume is down to a pattern of business practices they frequently carry out, which fall foul of that which a good business would normally carry out. There is a reason why they haven't been charged with other offences. It's because there isn't a case they can build with a view to prosecution in court. They haven't stolen anything. Peeps have willingly handed over cars and money. Its a very clever thought out scam. One that carefully meanders it's way through the rules, breaking some on the way which take too long to stop and prosecute against.

Sometimes I read on lz of peeps calling the uk a police state. If it was then the police would have popped round years ago to deprive them of their assets, beat sh*t out of them and escort them to their new living quarters. The words instant, broken and brutal would be included in the method. They certainly wouldn't do it again.
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You are 100% right, but its also important to keep the pressure on to protect the next set of victims and that's where the Police and LA come in. Disrupting is an important part to the Police job and they don't do enough of it. Our local scam business was using a lot of untaxed and uninsured vehicles. When we raised this we got - oh its just minor anti-social behaviour. We went ballistic and phoned them every time, sometimes several times a day and backed up every call with an online report and logged it at the end of each week in an e-mail to the Police. They got the message and came down every day and ticketed the vehicles. It made a big difference as it made the crims activity a lot less profitable.
I've now (sadly) been involved in two of these types of cases, one was a scam garage claiming to recondition engines but just painting them, and the other was a family housed by our LA who dealt drugs, drove untaxed vehicles and fly tipped.
In both cases it was anything you could get. Photos, un-taxed cars, un-insured cars, tipping oil down drains (very powerful if you can capture that). The Police and LA start from a position of "not our job" when it is, then move onto "its our job but its not a problem" and thats where you have to have dozens of logged reports. We set up coordinators, everyone filed on line crime reports and untaxed vehicles reports and each week we copied the report numbers to the coordinator who then e-mailed the event log to the local Chief Constable , copy to LA. That stopped the "not a problem"
The break through with the garage was vidoe of them tipping oil down the drain, that escalated it to the Environment Agency and then the guy threated the Environment Agency inspector, that was his downfall. The LA then prosecuted him using the (then) ASBO regs and got the business closed down.
For the family it was fly tipping, that enabled us to get a temporary CCTV installed by the LA. It didn't pick up much fly tipping as they had learned, but it did film hours of drug dealing. That went to the LA who were forced into serving eviction notices under the duty to protect the wider community.
You are looking for 2 things:
Disruption so its hard for them to park on the road, drive anywhere unless everything is taxed and uninsured and that adds a lot of costs.
A breach that can't be brushed under the carpet by the Police and LA, pollution / fly-tipping good ones.
The thing is the people who run these scams are not upstanding law abiding in all their other activities, so once the spotlight falls on them there's usually loads of other illegality. I'll bet at least one is getting housing benefit and claiming to be out of work. In our case the drug family were claiming housing benefit and unemployment but drove out every morning at 8am in vans with ladders on top. So all the reg numbers, times and pictures went to the Social Service fraud team. That was important because we not only wanted eviction, but we also didn't want them rehoused locally out of our council tax. We had to cut off their income and make it unprofitable to stay.
It's a difficult one. I can't see anything that would shut them down or stop them from their nasty activities. The site is well guarded with camera's everywhere. You can see them on street view. They seem to know how to do what they do and get away with it. Don’t think they’ll be held responsible for the cars abandoned in the street. We’re not sure how they disappear. Could be towed by enforcement or they send them for scrap. Peeps say they sit there for months. Still not found out what the paperwork shown in the windscreen is.

Their ebay account seems to change often so I assume peeps have reported them for what they have done to them. Or they move to a new name due to bad publicity. It would be helpful if peeps spot them using another identity, to post it on ere. We may find out extra info about them from it.
If you look at the location its also near a hot spot for "crash for cash" insurance fraud so there's (as you say) a good chance this is a well organised gang. The trouble we had was the Police attitude was "its just low level anti-social behaviour " when what we were seeing was drug deliveries, distribution and street sales on a significant scale. As we got more evidence and reported more the Police would have to turn up, that mean they caught family members dealing which linked back to the address and showed is was more organised. If you can see them driving different vehicles that means driving without tax unless they are using trade plates. Be great it someone could see one of their staff signing on.
I am surprised they have not ripped off the wrong person, the sort who would happily bury their remains miles from anywhere.
I am surprised they have not ripped off the wrong person, the sort who would happily bury their remains miles from anywhere.
Unfortunately they haven't so far. They have had peeps pop round for a fight. I don't think they would have told them they were popping round. It's a shame it probably wouldn't involve the top peeps getting a kicking. When yer business plan involves nicking range rovers... one would hope at some point a heavily armed drug dealer would get conned, with consequences for the company owners who conned them.

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