What Me!
I have spent many hours dragging through Autotrader, Ebay and god knows where else looking for my next automotive dream or nightmare. I have been referring to your site for a while now, especially when I think I have something fairly decent for inspiration and advice. I have joined LZ because generally you seem to know what the hell you are talking about, are not a load of testicularly challenged acne farmers who want to Nox up a 1.2 Vauxhal Nova or make their ears bleed with banging sounds innit!
I am not fishing whatever that is. I am a chap what is going to buy a Range Rover and you is the very fellows what is ( hopefully) going to put him behind the wheel of said Range Rover.
" I am what I am, I am my own special creation." Oh god I'm quoting show tunes, time to lie down for a while.
And take that dress off before @holidaychicken sees you, he'll want to borrow it.:eek::D
They suffer if engine constantly overheated but you should change 1 set max really then it’s done. Get one that’s heads been done already if that concerns you particularly
What Me!
I have spent many hours dragging through Autotrader, Ebay and god knows where else looking for my next automotive dream or nightmare. I have been referring to your site for a while now, especially when I think I have something fairly decent for inspiration and advice. I have joined LZ because generally you seem to know what the hell you are talking about, are not a load of testicularly challenged acne farmers who want to Nox up a 1.2 Vauxhal Nova or make their ears bleed with banging sounds innit!
I am not fishing whatever that is. I am a chap what is going to buy a Range Rover and you is the very fellows? what is ( hopefully) going to put him behind the wheel of said Range Rover.
" I am what I am, I am my own special creation." Oh god I'm quoting show tunes, time to lie down for a while.
We are ladies!!!
What Me!
I have spent many hours dragging through Autotrader, Ebay and god knows where else looking for my next automotive dream or nightmare. I have been referring to your site for a while now, especially when I think I have something fairly decent for inspiration and advice. I have joined LZ because generally you seem to know what the hell you are talking about, are not a load of testicularly challenged acne farmers who want to Nox up a 1.2 Vauxhal Nova or make their ears bleed with banging sounds innit!
I am not fishing whatever that is. I am a chap what is going to buy a Range Rover and you is the very peeps what is definitely going to put him behind the wheel of said Range Rover.
" I am what I am, I am my own special creation." Oh god I'm quoting show tunes, time to lie down for a while.
I do like to keep the new ones guessing as to who is a lady or a ‘lady’ and those that would like to be a lady or a ‘lady’.
And the best bit is the lady has the bigger balls out of all of us, ladies.. o_O
Well that’s cleared that up I think ..
Cylinder liners shouldn't be a problem on the later BMW petrol. (or the jag for that matter)
If you want a project car my late 2005 4.4 will be for sale very cheap once I have a delivery date for my new car. It will need work doing but it's just taken me to Aberdeen and back in the last 2 days.
I won't sell it to someone who can't spanner themselves though as I know it is the sort of car that a garage will rape you for.

What's up with it? I don't browse the L322 threads much. Did I miss something?
What's up with it? I don't browse the L322 threads much. Did I miss something?
It has numerous niggles that have the potential to become much bigger issues.
I simply don't have any time to look at it.
I have worked 15 hour days for the last 6 weeks including weekends.
Aberdeen hope your now in isolation .:eek::D
Not necessary.
Place I was working was outside the city limits where lockdown is imposed.
Also, due to the nature of my work, I am exempt anyway.
I certainly do everything I can to avoid any possible transmission but I don't have to isolate unless I have symptoms.
It has numerous niggles that have the potential to become much bigger issues.
I simply don't have any time to look at it.
I have worked 15 hour days for the last 6 weeks including weekends.

Been there. The wife took it worse than me as we had the little one and I just wasn't around. It takes its toll in the end so don't plan on doing it long-term. Looks like it is going to be an employer's market for a while.
Been there. The wife took it worse than me as we had the little one and I just wasn't around. It takes its toll in the end so don't plan on doing it long-term. Looks like it is going to be an employer's market for a while.
Yes, the reason I am doing this is to develop the new business which would mean that I don't have to spend 70% of my life abroad working.
The plan is to be mainly office based eventually but we need to build cash reserves before we employ anyone.
I WIIL NOT employ anyone unless I can 100% guarantee their salary for at least 12 months.
These are the machines we were building going on the truck for delivery to Aberdeen.


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I've only been and gone and done it.
Let me introduce you to Renee, a 4.4 V8 Vogue. Seen it, driven it, been over every inch of it to the extent that I have been less intimate with at least one of my marriages.
Thank you for your advice, what to look for, where to look for it, how to look for it etc.
A couple of cosmetic bits to do and I might want to get the bonnet resprayed. But I pick her up tomorrow whereupon the fun really starts, (assuming she does)
View attachment 217164
I've only been and gone and done it.
Let me introduce you to Renee, a 4.4 V8 Vogue. Seen it, driven it, been over every inch of it to the extent that I have been less intimate with at least one of my marriages.
Thank you for your advice, what to look for, where to look for it, how to look for it etc.
A couple of cosmetic bits to do and I might want to get the bonnet resprayed. But I pick her up tomorrow whereupon the fun really starts, (assuming she does)

If dealer the lump and running gear is guaranteed for 6 months under EU law.

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