its come back as not stolen or scrapped last date of liability 1978 but all serial numbers given show between 1971 and 74 :confused::confused::confused:

This suggests to me that it's been off the road since 1978! Last date of liability, is when it was last liable for road tax, and does not indicate when it was first registered or built.
struggling like fook today lads as its ****ing down so im writing this while having a brew and waiting to get back out there and do some more
reet got ****ed through fought like fook spent half the day crawling under a tarp and didnt get as far as i wanted but heres the pics boys n gurls

lets see what the weather lets me do tomorrow :D:D:D
I have just read through the whole thread and must say that I like the cut of your jib. this is how things get done there's nothing like persistence just keep plodding on and then look back after a few weeks and it is amazing how much progress can be made. Also it's great that you don't just buy new if you can make it yourself.
I too have been knocked about by a serious medical condition (MS) and understand how having a project that that is absorbing and something in which you can express yourself helps keeps your sanity.
Good luck with the rest of the build.
I have just read through the whole thread and must say that I like the cut of your jib. this is how things get done there's nothing like persistence just keep plodding on and then look back after a few weeks and it is amazing how much progress can be made. Also it's great that you don't just buy new if you can make it yourself.
I too have been knocked about by a serious medical condition (MS) and understand how having a project that that is absorbing and something in which you can express yourself helps keeps your sanity.
Good luck with the rest of the build.

cheers mate its great to know theres someone out there that agrees with what im doing when i keep seeing posts and blogs all over forums and bulletin boards evrywhere talking about work shy gits and people purpously flaunting the system

id love to be working and deemed fit to work but the medication im on at the moment is pretty lethal on its own as it makes me do daft things such as making a brew i put the kettle in the fridge and the milk on the kettle stand then sat down and wondered why its took 10 mins and still not heared the kettle boil :confused::confused::confused:

can you imagine someone this messed up in the place i work controlling a 2 ton crane with a 46 foot artic trailer roof dangling from it or any other machinery in there to be honest :jaw::jaw:
I agree with the Owl. I have suffered from clinical depression ( I reckon its just a fancy name for being ****ed orf) and my main motivation in buggering about with old motors is theraputic. If I am working away on old tin, I think about the job in hand and not the other destructive thoughts my mind wanders to. Johnny is doing a good job here and I reckon he is a bloody good grafter. That is what Britain used to be about. Lads grafting away in their sheds or back yards , creating masterpieces and giving the world something to follow. I think India has the same genetic pool, or is it summat we have left there?
I agree with the Owl. I have suffered from clinical depression ( I reckon its just a fancy name for being ****ed orf) and my main motivation in buggering about with old motors is theraputic. If I am working away on old tin, I think about the job in hand and not the other destructive thoughts my mind wanders to. Johnny is doing a good job here and I reckon he is a bloody good grafter. That is what Britain used to be about. Lads grafting away in their sheds or back yards , creating masterpieces and giving the world something to follow. I think India has the same genetic pool, or is it summat we have left there?

thinking about it many parts of india and africa 3rd world countries the only vehicles theyve ever had are scrap bangers and old landys that regularly need sorting out fixing or whatever exept they havent got a paddocks / craddocks or halfrauds down the road theyve just got this heap of scrap iron from an old ship thats been beached on the coast for dismantling and a **** load of primitive tools

they today have the same ethos as we had during the late 1700s right through to the early 1900s if you need it make it then the bloody yanks started with standardisation and all our creativity blew out the window as the chinks took over with computer desogn robots building what the computers have designed out of super high engineered plastics instead of an indestructable lump of cast iron :cool::cool::cool:
Aye, they slag off the British worforce but the Japanese had no hestitation in setting up factories in Northern England. Its the leadership qualities that G.Britain has always lacked through the class system.
Aye, they slag off the British worforce but the Japanese had no hestitation in setting up factories in Northern England. Its the leadership qualities that G.Britain has always lacked through the class system.
look at how good we are at tennis ,compared with football ,in world class players
thinking about it many parts of india and africa 3rd world countries the only vehicles theyve ever had are scrap bangers and old landys that regularly need sorting out fixing or whatever exept they havent got a paddocks / craddocks or halfrauds down the road theyve just got this heap of scrap iron from an old ship thats been beached on the coast for dismantling and a **** load of primitive tools

they today have the same ethos as we had during the late 1700s right through to the early 1900s if you need it make it then the bloody yanks started with standardisation and all our creativity blew out the window as the chinks took over with computer desogn robots building what the computers have designed out of super high engineered plastics instead of an indestructable lump of cast iron :cool::cool::cool:

My old man drove 109 out to India in the 60's. He cracked a brake drum in the arse end of no where. Found a forge. Guy took the old part and made a casting in the sand on the floor of his workshop. Took him a couple of tries, but got it in the end. Cost pennies and was still on the landie when he got rid of it in Scotland years later.

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