i dont see why not. you have got all the gear and the knowhow to do it properly. give it a go, whats the wirst that could happen

knowing me it could jam full right on a roundabout and have to explain myself to the local plod

( probably end up on police camera action with the theme from the magic roundabout going in the background )

dr pepper :D:D:D
You could use either p/b or nylon as a bearing surface but did land rover use ball bearings for a reason other than cost?
You could use either p/b or nylon as a bearing surface but did land rover use ball bearings for a reason other than cost?

Knowing Land Rover they probably got a load of ex army bearings cheap in 1947 and just never got round to changing the design.
hee hee its been a sort of weird day was looking for a prodigy choon last night and it came on the radio today :eek::eek::eek:The Prodigy - Serial Thrilla - YouTube

just had to stop what i was doing light a cig and nod away to it :D:D:D

on the landy front a little more progress

got the other door to do and the door sill trims tomorow and ill be readfy for finishing the cab pannel work :D:D:D

but rather than watch the paint dry i done some refitting on the bulkhead and got this far

and now for the pies de la resistance that phosphor bronze steering column bearing bush thingy a damn good fit and smooth action and hardly any difference between that and a roller bearing

i cant believe it i went back to the paint shop with the serial number and mixture codes from the last batch of paint i got to get 2n litres of the same stuff made up again and guess what

its a slightly lighter shade so **** it for now ill just have to blow it all in again later this summer but for now im concentrating finishing me stage 2 and getting stage 3 under way

awesome work so far Johnny. bloody jealous of your fabbing skills though.
theres one little thing i forgot to do pics of

ive actually made my own hinge bolts for the doors with a slothead instead of the pozzi heads that collect water and rust i can have the slots vertical so they wont hold water and also ive blacked them the same way a gunsmith would black a barrel

heated up te fook till it wont stick to a magnet anymore and throw it in a tub of used engine oil theyve come out looking like a heavier version of the old black japan gate hinge screws in the ironmongers :D:D:D
I cant believe your paint supplier fu@ked up in such a big way, I would be having a serious word with them. It's so unprofessional. What if it had been a pro doing a job for a customer. It might not be such a big deal for you doing an old Landy but crap service and not acceptable.
I cant believe your paint supplier fu@ked up in such a big way, I would be having a serious word with them. It's so unprofessional. What if it had been a pro doing a job for a customer. It might not be such a big deal for you doing an old Landy but crap service and not acceptable.

to be honest i got the paint verry verry cheap as its a brand new paint system just hit the market last month wich theyre beta testing for feedback on how its performing

its a new industrial type of machine tractor paint thats accrylic polymer based and considering its only cost me £50 with the special thinners all in so far i can live with it till i decide to dust it all in together later this summer
to be honest i got the paint verry verry cheap as its a brand new paint system just hit the market last month wich theyre beta testing for feedback on how its performing

Go back in and say, they are testing and need to be able to repeat colour so get them to!
They should give you the stuff to re do it for free (as you already bought the stuff and they got something wrong) and try to get the colour matched properly.
Just go in and be nice about it, let them know there was a problem as there could be a problem with the pigment dispenser of the machine.

Carry on as I am expecting this done and driving soon :)

right because the weather man reccons theres snow comeing and some ****ty cold orrible stuff i decided to kick the umpa lumpa gang up the arse and crank the pace up a notch

so today engine out front axle off and started rebuilding the front rails wich are a damn sight worse than first thought and aint arf gonna take some graft !!

Go back in and say, they are testing and need to be able to repeat colour so get them to!
They should give you the stuff to re do it for free (as you already bought the stuff and they got something wrong) and try to get the colour matched properly.
Just go in and be nice about it, let them know there was a problem as there could be a problem with the pigment dispenser of the machine.

Carry on as I am expecting this done and driving soon :)


I use SRS in Sheffield and if this had happened to one of their customers they would jump through hoops to make sure it was put right.
on another note i cought 2 geezers entering the garage right outside me back gate now with a keen interest in either renting or buying that garage i went out to see who they were and what they were doing

i asked if he was the owner of the garages (no!!) :confused:
does he know the owner of the garages ( no!! ) :confused::confused:

so i then asked what they were doing with the garage thinking hes gonna buy it but no
he replied with

were just haveing a look to see whats in it

i replied with
you must be enviromental health checking up on them or something

he sniggered with the reply : no were gonna be filming in there in 2 weeks !! :confused:

i said with a bemused look on me face filming what

he just said
what programmes do you know of thats filmed in wythenshawe ??

for lack of thought i replied with crimewatch !!!

he then burst out laughing and after a few moments he just said

shameless :eek::eek::eek:

wich means i need to get me noisy stuff done before they turn up hence the umpa lumpas are getting kicked into touch !!!
your doing well m8. we had some people filming on the farm next to where i fly my models and they paid us £100 not to fly that afternoon so it might be beneficial making a racket when they are filming you might make some money
your doing well m8. we had some people filming on the farm next to where i fly my models and they paid us £100 not to fly that afternoon so it might be beneficial making a racket when they are filming you might make some money

never thought of that :bounce::bounce::cool:
Looking great there Johnny - wish I could dedicate the same amount of time and skill to my project.

Agree on the suggestions to go back to the paint folks and have a friendly word though!

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