Yay! Excess fuel button! I'm going to miss takin my old bus on the ferry this year I can fill that place with smoke in about 20 seconds. Was funny when the silly tart in the brand new Ferrari parked next to the exhaust refused close her door and wind her window up...white leather interior too.
C'mon Johnny we need updates and pictures and stuff ;)

gone well underground till i sort this mess out with the identity

all i can say is VOSA have ordered me to make sure the vehicle does not leave the premises and doesnt get used on a public highway untill their investigation is complete ( this is scary as theyre playing their cards verry close to their chests with it ) but have asked for copies of the ebay transaction and evrything i can remember of where i got her who from and all other things like that

so im just sittin tight till i know the outcome and im belting down for the possibility of losing her :eek::eek:
That is beautiful (I know that the paint isn't your fault). I've just been back to your first post and checked the pictures and the date - February - so that lot in 3 months!!!!

Go on, treat yourself to a 'proper' old AA badge.
what a nightmare! I hope all turns out well Johnny. What are they trying to establish though?

i asked and got told not to get involved as its a serious matter

in this case it can only be a few things such as my id riding round on a nicked fender or involved in a hit and run or worse stolen itself and never recovered i aint got a clue

it reminds me of 6 months after we moved into this house the CID came round with a warrant and took fotos of our downstairs living room dining room and kitchen as there was a serious incident happened involving the previous tennant :confused::confused::confused:

they too didnt tell us anything untill we found out in the papers a few weeks later that hed been grooming young girls got grassed and legged it to ayreshire got tracked down and is now in strangeways for it :D:D

we still get groups of kids walking down our street pointing at the house even now 2 yrs later :(:(:(
That is beautiful (I know that the paint isn't your fault). I've just been back to your first post and checked the pictures and the date - February - so that lot in 3 months!!!!

Go on, treat yourself to a 'proper' old AA badge.

cheers mate im just praying i get to keep her ive even drawn a circle of salt round her and put red clay dust across the gates to ward off any bad luck or spirits not to mention burning sage in the landy for the same reasons :cool::cool::cool:

ive done absolutely evrything i can to keep her now its just waiting game :(:(
Well I just hope all turns out well - you deserve some good luck after all that hard work you've put in.
Your health and family are more important than your Landy though, as difficult as current times may seem fella.
This is quite disturbing. Why dont they tell you whats going on. Its not a police state...yet, so tell them to disclose their concerns or you will crush it. They cant be that concerned or it would be impounded by now.
I hope it all turns out ok for you.

Did you get any sort of paperwork when you bought?

only the proof of purchase from ebay and the geezers addy i noticed the vid he had on youtube when it was on ebay has been removed :confused:
also got a damn good witness from when i bought her as its the lad that towed it back for me

but doing me own little investigations ive noticed my engine number looks a little dicky aswell

hang on ill ask the rivvet counters hold on for another thread :D:D
This is quite disturbing. Why dont they tell you whats going on. Its not a police state...yet, so tell them to disclose their concerns or you will crush it. They cant be that concerned or it would be impounded by now.

i think the way its working is that if it were impounded it would be incurring storage charges and initialy they asked if i was ok with keeping the vehicle at my address to overcome this

and i get told when i ask for any update on the case they cannot tell me any information due to the data protection act

so it seems that even criminals have the right of confidentiality

i had a fella round the other week with some machine like what engineers would use to test welds with think he called it a sonograph or something like that and he was using it on the hanger where the chassis number i found is
a bit of humming and harring then he left :confused::confused:

all i can think is this is a mega operation coz something doesnt add up or alarm bells are ringing at the DVLA head office :confused:
i think the way its working is that if it were impounded it would be incurring storage charges and initialy they asked if i was ok with keeping the vehicle at my address to overcome this

and i get told when i ask for any update on the case they cannot tell me any information due to the data protection act

so it seems that even criminals have the right of confidentiality

i had a fella round the other week with some machine like what engineers would use to test welds with think he called it a sonograph or something like that and he was using it on the hanger where the chassis number i found is
a bit of humming and harring then he left :confused::confused:

all i can think is this is a mega operation coz something doesnt add up or alarm bells are ringing at the DVLA head office :confused:

tell them your charge storage
Did the seller not have any idea of the reg number?

he said he didnt but im begining to think he wasnt all that truthfull but what he did mention was he had another landy same wheelbase but green and was tax exempt wich he sold a few months earlier aparrantly it was a minter

thing is when i got mine there was the odd green bit here and there such as 1 door hinge overspray on the drivers side pannel green overspray on the rear door seals next to the back door

also it appeared that the overdrive has been ravaged off it as the back end of the gearbox was thrown back together all the screws n bolts holding the body to the chassis were practically brand new but the bolts holding the body together were what you would expect ( siezed together ) looked as if the body had been lifted off the chassis in one big lump

looks verry suss thinkin about it now but when i first got her i didnt take much notice of that due to the exitement :(:(
well i aint in any frame of mind to lose it now i did the bugger in the first place to help me combat my depression and at the moment im just about coping without snapping at evryone ( god bless the man that created valium )

if i lose it now without getting the chance to enjoy the fruits of my labours i think thatll be me back to square one good n proppa

im not religious at all but i sat in the local church today and just hoped itll all be right if any kind of god exists he/she cant be that cruel my luck cant all be this bad sureley :D:D
Not sure how the law works but all those bits of weld you put on are yours and I don't think they can take them away; the way I see it if they want it they will have to cut off all your bits first to remove it.
Johnny this a disgrace over the last few years how many ringers have landyzoners reported to ebay and dvlc and the police and they havn't given a ****.A gent like ya self gets shafted (I really hope this works out for ya)

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