howdoo chapsn chap-ettes

its been a little while since i did anything with the landy and do any of you remember me mention skinning me old couch to make new seat covers for her because today ive finally fixed the old sewing machine ( rescued from a skip ) and finally got round top a bit of stitching cutting and swearing in anj attempt to sort out the drivers seat base as it was so bad anything i did would be an improvement

im not too sure about the finish but ill leave it to your judgement

one other thought

theres a lot to be said about using a sewing machine speshuly as these modern ones may have lecci motors and all the digital **** you can think of but they wont go through leather without stripping the gears ( plastic jap crap )

in the end its the good ol hand crank powered singer relic that done the job and flew through it without even flinching :D:D:D
Its a huge improvement on those tatty old seats. I've got an old singer treadle sewing machine in our workshop.
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Its a huge improvement on those tatty old seats. I've got an old singer treadle sewing machine in our workshop.

if youve ever used that sewing machine youll know what i mean when i say they will stitch anything

once ive done the series seats and interior ive got this idea itll prolly stitch torch on roof felt and just might try it and see what happens

it seems ms series ans singer have a lot in common both oldschool built to last and are damn near impossible to kill :D:D:D
howdoo chapsn chap-ettes

its been a little while since i did anything with the landy and do any of you remember me mention skinning me old couch to make new seat covers for her because today ive finally fixed the old sewing machine ( rescued from a skip ) and finally got round top a bit of stitching cutting and swearing in anj attempt to sort out the drivers seat base as it was so bad anything i did would be an improvement

im not too sure about the finish but ill leave it to your judgement

Bloody awful that mate ...

Jonny, I'm no expert but I think you need to lenghten your stitch or so I was told when I did it, too closer stitching weakens the fabric.
Jonny, I'm no expert but I think you need to lenghten your stitch or so I was told when I did it, too closer stitching weakens the fabric.

thats with woven fabrics such as cotton or drailon this is genuine leather cowhide stuff off me old couch you are right with the stitch though thing is with leather it tells you what the right stitch length should be

too short and it wont pull back through the loop in the undercarriadge properly and tangle

too long and itll just either snap the thread or the needle with the tension and resiliance of the leather
Tel's right, too short and you run the risk of the leather tearing between the holes. Using a needle designed for leather is also very important, they're shaped to cut rather than punch and last a lot longer...
Tel's right, too short and you run the risk of the leather tearing between the holes. Using a needle designed for leather is also very important, they're shaped to cut rather than punch and last a lot longer...

yeah a little bit like a hypodermic needle with a spoon shaped groove where the thread goes through :D:D:D
Here JC,

just noticed on the pic of the sewing machine that the thread isn't on correctly. It should go from the spool almost parallel to the top of the machine and over the little hook on the front and straight down to the tensioner. The way it is there you probably won't be getting the correct tension on the thread and could make the stitching loose.

Don't ask how I know this but thought it may help :D
Here JC,

just noticed on the pic of the sewing machine that the thread isn't on correctly. It should go from the spool almost parallel to the top of the machine and over the little hook on the front and straight down to the tensioner. The way it is there you probably won't be getting the correct tension on the thread and could make the stitching loose.

Don't ask how I know this but thought it may help :D

thats just one of that machines little quirks itll let the thread fall out of that loop eyelet just by breatheing on it the wrong way

(sorted now with a squeeze from the moler grips )

and you probably know from a scimilar way i did ( forced to do sewing in friggin highschool to fill a gap in yer itinearry )
thats just one of that machines little quirks itll let the thread fall out of that loop eyelet just by breatheing on it the wrong way

(sorted now with a squeeze from the moler grips )

and you probably know from a scimilar way i did ( forced to do sewing in friggin highschool to fill a gap in yer itinearry )

nah mate, I used to mend my own clothes when I was a student all money then was spent on important stuff like beer & weed. Bought the old machine off a flea market for £4.
minnie os still really poorley and smokes like fook and im still trying to get the wonga for gaskets oil and filter so i can sort the bugger out

thing is im now totally skint and got to wait 2 weeks for any kind of money and the mother in law is in hospital with severe pneumonia wich has resulted in me spending all day evry day with the kids and nobody i can dump them on lol

its a mighty **** sanwich and im trying me best to chomp through it
reet laydeez gentlemens bhoyees n gurlz

minnie has gone topless yet again (not to enjoy the wind in me hair flies in me teeth n wasps in me ears )

i mean the head is orff yet again to try and sort the smoking habbit yet again and after a damn good clean up its not lookin good ( borderline terminal )

pot 1 .......lightly scored up the fulll length of the barrell and a verry wobbly piston
pot 2....... no scoring verry glazed over with oil smears up and down the sides of the barrel and yet another wobbly piston
pot 3 scoring but glazed to fook burnt one side of the barrel and oil ****ing up from the side of the piston when rotated but hardly any wobble on the piston
pot 4 .......heavily glazed no piston wobble but oil smearing up the side of the barrell

jnust for your amusement heres a shot of pot 1

tomorrows little bit of fun n frolics will be taking the pistons out and honing the barrels cleaning evrything up and see if i can get them right with the new rings

and since ive spent most the day stripping the engine down and one of the old boys came past saw what i was up to and then he whistled this

and its been stuck in me head all friggin day ( god theres some twots in this world )
See if you can borrow a bore gauge and check for ovality and taper. If it's far gone honing won't do much good. Don't want to see you do a load of work for it to still smoke.
I still think you should drop a TDI in.

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