cheers lads but as im strapped fer cash at the mo ill have a go at setting that one up i n the lathe with the balance needle feeler and have a go at straightening the bastid

it cant be that hard to do nor that much different to straightening a cortina pinto camshaft

ill do some piccies aswell see how i get on :smokin:
Will the bend actually alter geometry - I don't think so. Mine was like yours and my mechanic mate just bent it back with a scaffold tube. He does hate Landys though...

Will the bend actually alter geometry - I don't think so. Mine was like yours and my mechanic mate just bent it back with a scaffold tube. He does hate Landys though...


its pretty much the same principal as the cheap floor mops with the ****ty tin tubes for a handle

theyre nice and strong when straight for pushing backwards and forwards but the slightest bend in the fukker and it weakens considerably :smokin::smokin:
cheers lads but as im strapped fer cash at the mo ill have a go at setting that one up i n the lathe with the balance needle feeler and have a go at straightening the bastid

it cant be that hard to do nor that much different to straightening a cortina pinto camshaft

ill do some piccies aswell see how i get on :smokin:

Couldn't you find a piece of tube and make one Johnny.
Couldn't you find a piece of tube and make one Johnny.

thatll be more feking about than its worth specialy trying to thread the insides out to match the track rod ends perfectly and deep enough

and i cant figure out for the fekkin life in me where the hell the camera is so i can update what ive been up to today but in short ive only been stripping and prepping the front wings and grille for painting and refitting over the weekend

ive run out of silver paint and the satin black got the biggest part of the dash repainted and cleaned up ready to go back in and the windsscreen has had the last of me silver paint

ill just have to ransack the house tonight to find the camera for loads of piccies tomorow night :smokin::smokin::smokin:
stop the clock ive found iiiiiittttt!!!!!!:D:D:Dbut the bloody battery is flat :mad::mad::mad:grrrrr!!!!

it was down the back of the sofa :confused::confused::confused:how the hell did it get there

and on another note i got a little life update for you guys

went to the local shop and the owner gave me a little black bos with the words starter kit on the front he said you dont owe me anything for it its a freebie from a rep that came in yesterday and gave him 5 of the buggers to hand out for feedback purpouses

eager as fook i got home trashed the box and its an e-cig with 12 cartridges :dance::dance::dance:only problem is it needs 12 hours charge before i could use it
been on it for the last 4 hours so lets see if i can quit the gaspers :smokin::smokin::smokin:

and thew other bit of news while i was at the hospital with the missus someone came to my house knocked on and had a shufty around wearing smart dress and had a clipboard and satchel

it was me mate across the street that clocked him and a description of his car i asked of his opinion on what he looked to be professionaly and he just said he looked like a fukkin bailiff :eek::eek::eek:

i dismissed it bought a bucket of miscelaneous imperial nuts and bolts n stuff off him for the swap of a pint of me chassis paint leftovers and went home and got on with the landy

1/2 hour into this the dog went balistic wich usualy means someone has just knocked on the door i went and looked through the front window as i went past .....that fukkin car was outside ........parp!!....right battle stations how to handle bailiffs

legged it upstairs and hung out of the bedroom window to see who it was

hi im jason a producer for channel 4 ....what the fook :confused::confused::confused::confused:

this is just a courtesy call to warn you that were going to be filming shameless on monday right against your back fence and gate

oh is that all thank fook fer that

what a ****t i felt but so so so relieved with it

so some pics of that aswell on monday night on ere me thinks :cool::cool::cool:
snigger so where do i put jaymie ?????

the way shes behaiving lately playing us up i could tie her down to the bonnet or fit her child seat on the front apron pannel ( the radiator will keep her warm )
aaaannnnnnnddddddd ...........iiiiinnnnn the blue cornaaaa!!!!!

a little update with whats been done today and yesterday so bare with me on this one

yesterdays efforts

started stripping rubbing down and fettling some dents out of the front wings and im sorry but i cheated with one of them due to the dent being tight into the corner above the passengers side light and couldnt get the dolly or hammers in there so
shamefully ill admit i got the tin of bog out and fettled it in the end

done a litle priming yesterday aswell and done some more prepping

and today so far ive shot the lot with the blue exept the bonnet as ive now run out of thinners again due to leaveing the lid off the tin overnight and its evaporated to half the ammount of what i had

reet now ive had me brew and me e-cig has charged up again im gonna bugger off out and do some light assembly and prepwork for these bits to go back on :D:D:D

watch this space lads its abbout to start coming back together and for thought the first line in this tune just about sums it up im nearley back on top form again :D:D:D

Caesars - Jerk It Out - YouTube
right and for the second half of today ive done a little reassembling on the front end but not got a lot of it together as ive decided to take the time to seal the joints between the pannels to try and ensure theres no water egress so i wont be welding it next year coz it leaked

i think im gonna have a bit of a change of tack tomorow and start the rewire or do some of the cab pannels or something as its getting a little tedious doing the front constantly at the moment
what speed do you work at john:)

dunno what you mean

do you mean do i always work as fast as i can or am i just this quick anyway :confused::confused:

thats probably why cartwrights are holding me job open as in a day if i was in the right mood i could do the same ammount of work on me own as a team of 3 lads doing the same thing :eek::eek:

this is just going at the speed of me getting into it and getting on with it :smokin::smokin::smokin:

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