Jim said:
Had a phone call from Swindon Police today, a CID came to my work and took a statement formerly as it seems they did checks later and found the Reg was false for the Van. The scrotes fit the description of three wanted for a variety of offences across the South from Sussex to Bristol. Some of the offences involve quite serious violence against people who tried to stop them stealing stuff from remote houses and farms.

The Officer stated that these people are considered very dangerous and should not be tackled by members of the public, we should simply call the Police and let them deal with it. He and his colleague feel that had I not turned into a road they could not follow me on, when I stopped they would have either stolen the vehicle after I parked it, or based on their history he thinks it entirely possible they would have attacked me to get the keys.

Based on what they said this afternoon I think it is imperative that everyone warn Land Rover owners, and possibly owners of other large 4x4's, to be vigilant and report any and all suspicious activity around their or a friends/neighbours vehicle..especially Ladies and older drivers who may be seen as a softer target. The Officers also said that it is highly likely that the Reg No of the Van will have been changed by now as it is believed they change plates regularly.

I think I can count myself lucky..
This was posted by OP

What are you like eh?! Why make fun of people that are disabled. This is very naughty of you! But why? I hear you mutter. Well, because people who suffer disabilities are very sad, tragic victims and therefore, it’s not very nice to make fun of them. Shame on you!

Actually, they’re not sad, tragic victims and they don’t ‘suffer’. What they do ‘suffer’ from are ignorant people like you who think making jokes about them having crap hair, dressing badly, talking strangely and dying young is funny. It isn’t. It’s cruel, unfunny and frankly, a bit boring.:mad:
What are you like eh?! Why make fun of people that are disabled. This is very naughty of you! But why? I hear you mutter. Well, because people who suffer disabilities are very sad, tragic victims and therefore, it’s not very nice to make fun of them. Shame on you!

Actually, they’re not sad, tragic victims and they don’t ‘suffer’. What they do ‘suffer’ from are ignorant people like you who think making jokes about them having crap hair, dressing badly, talking strangely and dying young is funny. It isn’t. It’s cruel, unfunny and frankly, a bit boring.:mad:

If only you knew,
Life is too short.

So **** stain what next
It's got nothing to do with me mate, i'm just saying that as i was sat there reading through 11 pages of waffle going round and round in circles, i thought it was just really daft!

but i guess y'all involved had a giggle so happy days.

cheers anyway, i'm off to ponse around in the disco :D
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It's got nothing to do with me mate, i'm just saying that as i was sat there reading through 11 pages of waffle going round and round in circles, i thought it was just really daft!

but i guess y'all involved had a giggle so happy days.

cheers anyway, i'm off to ponse around in the disco :D
you oughta know by now 90% **** takin 10% usefull info...after the 3rd or 4th reply its not gonna be an answer ! :D
ADULTS on here nobugger told me,,,im disappointed now ,i thought it was just us,,,awww,dave;)

Yer, most of us are over 10 so you can stop trying to groom us all;)
Mind you I think scrotia is used to things being inserted in his orifices so I reckon he won't turn down yer offers.:rolleyes::p
It's got nothing to do with me mate, i'm just saying that as i was sat there reading through 11 pages of waffle going round and round in circles, i thought it was just really daft!

but i guess y'all involved had a giggle so happy days.

cheers anyway, i'm off to ponse around in the disco :D

Sorry Noisy, but i have enjoyed every second of this. Some seriously good sense of humour on this forum and i for one am goin nowhere.
Yer, most of us are over 10 so you can stop trying to groom us all;)
Mind you I think scrotia is used to things being inserted in his orifices so I reckon he won't turn down yer offers.:rolleyes::p

You seem to like talking about orifices...You sure your not hiding in the closet??:mooning:
You seem to like talking about orifices...You sure your not hiding in the closet??:mooning:

Oi ya fick thieving conning tosspot this is LZ you're supposed to have ****ed off from here and joined the rivet counting wife swapping anoraks on LRO!! Did you get lost or are you just to fick to know which forum you're posting on??

And speaking of orifices Have I told you what a ****ing arsehole you are?? :rolleyes:
Oi I lick thieving conning tosspot rims. This is LZ you have ****ed me off as you don't want to join us and the rivet counting wife swapping anoraks on here!! Did you get my number or do you not want to fuick me after meeting on this forum we're both posting on??

And speaking of orifices Have I told you I like ****ing arsehole you know!!! :rolleyes:


What a fag

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