I know,
Storm99 likes blowing his son....see previous posts...WTF
Fanatic likes renting his missus out for bum stabbing favours
WTF.....I am defo on the wrong forum.
Others make idle claims about how fukkin hard they are.
What a bunch of little dick faggots.
I'm a regular at events......I'll sound you out Storm99 and the other ****wits, I guarantee it.
I'll continue to post regular updates of my build for real land rover enthusiasts to see on LRO.
another one bites the dust:D
I know,
Storm99 likes blowing his son....see previous posts...WTF
Fanatic likes renting his missus out for bum stabbing favours
WTF.....I am defo on the wrong forum.
Others make idle claims about how fukkin hard they are.
What a bunch of little dick faggots.
I'm a regular at events......I'll sound you out Storm99 and the other ****wits, I guarantee it.
I'll continue to post regular updates of my build for real land rover enthusiasts to see on LRO.

Poor show you've yet to call me a donkey raping cock master, gf well anything possible for enough cash.

As I said before you show pony-come visit next week and you can tell me I'm a pussy.

Your a **** n wind merchant and you like club anal LRO
Aint it time we said goodbye to this prick?
I dont like collective bullying, but this guy has not posted anything constructive. He is the only peep i have put on my ignore list :rolleyes:
Time to say goodbye.:mad:

Another ****in fag.
Maybe you should read previous posts....and get a constructive view on posts
Poor show you've yet to call me a donkey raping cock master, gf well anything possible for enough cash.

As I said before you show pony-come visit next week and you can tell me I'm a pussy.

Your a **** n wind merchant and you like club anal LRO

I'm easy to find....You come here.....
There are many club meets coming up
I know,
Storm99 likes blowing his son....see previous posts...WTF
Fanatic likes renting his missus out for bum stabbing favours
WTF.....I am defo on the wrong forum.
Others make idle claims about how fukkin hard they are.
What a bunch of little dick faggots.
I'm a regular at events......I'll sound you out Storm99 and the other ****wits, I guarantee it.
I'll continue to post regular updates of my build for real land rover enthusiasts to see on LRO.

Wish I had a pound for everytime you said you were gonna **** off!! :mad: Could be at the pub now and not having to read you're bull****.

Oh by the way ya missus sent me a picture of you to give to the hitman she's employed to get rid of you. Have to say I'm not impressed..

Hey I do immature insults.

Oooh I'm dead hard me.

Well see if I'm still as brave without my keyboard.....I love ****in hobbos.

Mmmmmmmmmm I like having mental pics of swinging knobs and fukkin fags

I'm another loud mouth with his keyboard......
I hope you don't come up and see me any time cos I'm busy fukkin hobbo minkers.

I joined this forum to share my slitty selling business.
I had no positive replies but I'll tell you there is a lot of people on here that think I'm a cock.

I'm a Fukkin imbecile that can shout insults as I were bullied at school and Daddy was a bit harsh when chastising me with his dick.

I'm easy ...You come here.....
There are many gay-club meets coming up

Yaawwnnn . Someone please wake me when this fools mummy tells him it's bed time.
Are there not any mods on 'ere who can wipe this iidjots account??!

Unfortunately if the mods wiped out the eejits accounts there wouldn't be anyone on here including mods:rolleyes:

Saying that there are some who are more idiotic than others and should have a 24hour delay on their posts as by then no-one would care what they posted:p:D
Arr okay, this place is obviously a bit more liberal than other forums - not neccesarily a bad thing ;)
what a ****, i raise my glass to karma - maybe he'll wake up in the morning with cat aids
Arr okay, this place is obviously a bit more liberal than other forums - not neccesarily a bad thing ;)
what a ****, i raise my glass to karma - maybe he'll wake up in the morning with cat aids

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctU69NYuEMk"]YouTube- Kitty Love (Cat Sex)[/nomedia]

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