didnt notice he'd been banned....hopefully is only fer a few days :D OI MODS let the stroppy newbie lro cock sucking cut and paste drivel writer back in :D:D:D
common guys - even a bit of pointless drivel gets tiresome after a while.....
bound to be a noo one along soon :D.
I,d never been there. Did,nt even know what LRO stood for. But after numerous mentions on here I put it in google and had a look.

They use knives and forks and everything !. No bullets flying, effing and jeffing or bottom related insults.

I noticed a few familiar names on posts though.

Is it fair to say that most people are on most of the Landrover forums ?.

They use knives and forks and everything !. No bullets flying, effing and jeffing or bottom related insults.

I noticed a few familiar names on posts though.

Is it fair to say that most people are on most of the Landrover forums ?.


I'm on three but not that one, not even looked yet. I like this one best, good info, good banter, plenty of quick response when needed.

Nice site here.
im only on this one, ive been on merc, beemer, volkswagen, fiat, jag, piranhas, chamelions and one or 2 others (all to get info) and tbh this one is the best ive been on by far, quick well informed responses, loads of people who actually know what theyre on about (most of the time) quite a bit of wit and copious amounts of ****taking (all in good jest) and anyone who cant take it.................

ps i still smile when someone asks a question and all they get is "why" as the 1st few answers, man are we all opinionated, LOL.

viva landyzone!
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There certainly is forum ethos, this one is quite unruly, but the undertone is that everyone knows their ****. And it's easy to learn things off here.

I'm not always interested in the relentless banter, but it's a good forum, and much more interesting than Discovery Owners! Again, great forum for info, but not quite as, urm, wild...

Cheers :)
Got really confused over the last 5 mins :confused:

Read this post from the start and for a minute thought that it was my small children squabbling and name calling- then realised that it was grown men and i was actually on LZ.

Storm - you must know this truth- if a person- who let us say in this instance- is clearly under developed in any form of social skills, higher brain functions language ability , self esteem and lacks any form of ability to participate in a witty repartie and build meaningful and fulfilling relationships - then starts to behave in a manner that clearly shows their huge range of disadvantages that they carry in life- do you not think that we the more skilled and multi gifted ought to show more compassion to the IGNORGANT , BAD TEMPERED AND RUDE **** and ignore his bad behaviour - leave Scotia alone next time - not nice to pick on those with less going for them in life ;)
Got really confused over the last 5 mins :confused:

Storm - you must know this truth- if a person- who let us say in this instance- is clearly under developed in any form of social skills, higher brain functions language ability , self esteem and lacks any form of ability to participate in a witty repartie and build meaningful and fulfilling relationships - then starts to behave in a manner that clearly shows their huge range of disadvantages that they carry in life- do you not think that we the more skilled and multi gifted ought to show more compassion to the IGNORGANT , BAD TEMPERED AND RUDE **** and ignore his bad behaviour - leave Scotia alone next time - not nice to pick on those with less going for them in life ;)

Yebbut...wheres the fun in that??

110 you should know that due to the terms and conditions of the Code of Practice and the constraints put upon mental health professionals to treat the client with respect and empathy, it is wholly reasonable to transfer the internal frustrations onto someone who exists only in cyberspace, and therefore has the option of protecting their ego by simply pressing the 'ignore' button. Indeed i'd say its a catharsis.

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