This thread started off as useful and interesting and then as usual degenerated into childish rubbish. Good job I didn't join this forum for useful and interesting although at times it is just that.
hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahha!!!! now THATS why i joined landyzone, ****in class people who dont suffer fools gladly (i should know) the trick is to take it in jest and dont bite, otherwise you are fooked!

Hmmmmmm, i like fanatics witty threads, but i also like scotties "overexhuberance" but who will win?

Theres only one way to find out, FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

let me know how much tickets are.

Oh yeah, my dads harder than your dad.
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hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahha!!!! now THATS why i joined landyzone, ****in class people who dont suffer fools gladly (i should know) the trick is to take it in jest and dont bite, otherwise you are fooked!

Hmmmmmm, i like fanatics witty threads, but i also like scotties "overexhuberance" but who will win?

Theres only one way to find out, FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

let me know how much tickets are.

Oh yeah, my dads harder than your dad.

Sadly Scotia won't turn up, Same old **** from a keyboard their all heroes.
If they really were not full of ****= come see me at Glastonbury.
:welcome2: to have a cup of tea or a beating-both available:croc:

[nomedia=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]
Shame Glastonbury is a bit far,would like to pop down and say "hello"-maybe some other time-do you guys go to any of the rallies?Be nice to meet others
Scotia, you ARE well edgey mate.

I,ve read threads that you,ve contributed to, and you get humpy too quick !.

These old lags have well and truely got you on the hook mate, cant you see that ?.

Come to Peterbro in Sept. and i,ll give you a cuddle and it,ll all be fine. ( predictable faggott jokes expected ).

Scotia, you ARE well edgey mate.

I,ve read threads that you,ve contributed to, and you get humpy too quick !.

These old lags have well and truely got you on the hook mate, cant you see that ?.

Come to Peterbro in Sept. and i,ll give you a cuddle and it,ll all be fine. ( predictable faggott jokes expected ).


Cmon Cmon, Ah forgot ma pills for a few days.
Am a not allowed to be edgy??
No more cuddles please makes me more edgy, anyways I've a whole day with ma landy so I'll get some pics up tonight for all to **** take....
This forum is meant to be good for all.....ya know.:D
Cmon Cmon, Ah forgot ma pills for a few days.
Am a not allowed to be edgy??
No more cuddles please makes me more edgy, anyways I've a whole day with ma landy so I'll get some pics up tonight for all to **** take....
This forum is meant to be good for all.....ya know.:D

Smack down bitch pill head internet keyboard warrior
Cmon Cmon, Ah forgot ma pills for a few days.
Am a not allowed to be edgy??
No more cuddles please makes me more edgy, anyways I've a whole day with ma landy so I'll get some pics up tonight for all to **** take....
This forum is meant to be good for all.....ya know.:D

Yeah whatever yer spanner weilding knucke dragger !:eek:

Scotia, you ARE well edgey mate.

I,ve read threads that you,ve contributed to, and you get humpy too quick !.

These old lags have well and truely got you on the hook mate, cant you see that ?.

Come to Peterbro in Sept. and i,ll give you a cuddle and it,ll all be fine. ( predictable faggott jokes expected ).


It's ever so nice to have all the regular heroes all fired up.
Me just forgot me pills.........thats aw..
On second thoughts I will take that cuddle.

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