I nearly swapped my misses for 10 camels n2 babby camels I could have been a rich man in Egypt.
I was doing the deal when she was standing there 🤣 I told her id steal her back.... aye right catch ye love 🤣🤣
She did take the hump haha
I only got offered 5 camels for mine in cairo. It was our honeymoon so I felt I should just say no so I wasn’t sleeping on a lounger at the pool for the next few nights
Steering problem is because they gear the steering wrong and then have no fine control, it's either full lock or nothing and so when they try and correct it overcorrects and that's when the trouble starts , they're gone :vb-groan2::D
Brakes not a problem if done properly.
Was thinking of a Landy breakdown truck :)
They also make them flimsy to save weight but the lighter it is the sooner wind resistance kicks in ;):)
Finking about it some more, they probably have little control over the steering when the ground tells the wheel to change direction. As yer ses, no gearing on the steering so a slight turn of the wheel could see the steering angle suddenly magnify and they're a gonner.
Due to possible weather related situation in Manchester. Normal cartoon drawing will resume once crayons are gathered from the washing line.

Now for some lift Muzak.
... that I have seen the Osteopath again today. :D
We seem to be finding a goodly number of "knots" in the muscles and she is unpicking them so the neck is slowly loosening up. :)
The dead-hands at night is diminishing in severity and frequency too, so double bonus. :)
Feeling quite a bit better now.

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