Mate wants to paint it blue as it came out of the factory but lots of cream paint on it from its days on the Mersey Tunnel recovery. I think Tunnel colours as it still has the crane

I fort Mersey Tunnel was red ?

The argument is that you can only drive one car at a time. If you used a gas guzzler all the time there may be a little something in their argument, but modern 4x4s consume much less fuel and produce cleaner emissions than an old fashioned Mini did.
But the arguement isn't really about emissions it's about personality type, and they are saying, "You are only driving this thing cos you think you are inferior." to which the argument is "No mate I know I'm not and that you are, or you think you are, or you are just plain jealous. Get some therapy!"
I am saving the plant too.
Having been made redundant today I will no longer be driving 35 miles a day to work and back. ;)
No tears peeps, I'd had enough a couple years ago and was waiting for the shoe to drop.
Gots something in the pipe incoming, hopefully. If not, I has a decent reputation, so summink will turn up.
In any case I shall be having August oft, seeing what retirement feels like. Time to break out the kayak an hook some mackies.
I gots me Tratter, a 2 litre Mx5 and a Drz400, all old an all mine. You green buggers can kma (cept Kermy, course).

Defender, you gots one, or you wants one :banana:
Having an eighteen year old daughter I have suffered from Harry Stylitis for years....even back to the days of five directions.
Feel for you all those manufactured bands all going in One Direction and theyr'e all Hear Say now so Take That your carear is on the wane as most of the members had no talent its time Steps were taken to stop this music money
businesses like restaurants are struggling, homeowners are struggling.. food/mortgage/rent prices are rising
BoE wants wages to stay the same to stall inflation, but if wages dont go up then things will only get worse? if we can't afford things now, where will we be in 5 years time when prices have tripled?
They're ttying to reduce inflation to stop it spiraling oot of control.

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