businesses like restaurants are struggling, homeowners are struggling.. food/mortgage/rent prices are rising
BoE wants wages to stay the same to stall inflation, but if wages dont go up then things will only get worse? if we can't afford things now, where will we be in 5 years time when prices have tripled?
businesses like restaurants are struggling, homeowners are struggling.. food/mortgage/rent prices are rising
BoE wants wages to stay the same to stall inflation, but if wages dont go up then things will only get worse? if we can't afford things now, where will we be in 5 years time when prices have tripled?

Its not an easy situation for many. It has been the best its been for a long time and some have never experienced it bad before.
I can remember it bad, so when it got good I did my best to take advantage and not waste the extra on "i want that" "the Jones have 1 why shouldn't we" type things.

I would hope that it wont last 5yrs at these levels and would be back to a more realistic level.

Its not an easy situation for many. It has been the best its been for a long time and some have never experienced it bad before.
I can remember it bad, so when it got good I did my best to take advantage and not waste the extra on "i want that" "the Jones have 1 why shouldn't we" type things.

I would hope that it wont last 5yrs at these levels and would be back to a more realistic level.

i hope you're right and think they shouldnt either, but have a sneaky suspicion they will be, even if they dont 'need' to be..
greedy arrogance.. why should we drop prices? you paid xxxx before...
i hope you're right and think they shouldnt either, but have a sneaky suspicion they will be, even if they dont 'need' to be..
greedy arrogance.. why should we drop prices? you paid xxxx before...

Prices drop because they need to sell stuff. if the price of ingredients drops so they make 20% profit when they used to make 15% but at 20 they are only selling half what they used to the math is simple ;) I think:vb-confused2:.

what do people expect?
1. you dont need a car, you can cycle to work because everyone should live nearby. dont go on holiday unless you can train/fly
2. you should own several cars, one for each type of journey you need to make
3. dont have hobbies or other reasons that require a large vehicle
what do people expect?
1. you dont need a car, you can cycle to work because everyone should live nearby. dont go on holiday unless you can train/fly
2. you should own several cars, one for each type of journey you need to make
3. dont have hobbies or other reasons that require a large vehicle

Oh oh I know the answer :p :p

I will take option 2 everyday, but it should say cars/motorbike:).

Prices drop because they need to sell stuff. if the price of ingredients drops so they make 20% profit when they used to make 15% but at 20 they are only selling half what they used to the math is simple ;) I think:vb-confused2:.

its simple to you because you're normal :)
i'm paying 136.9 for diesel, yet 15 miles away where i work, people are paying 144.9.. its the same fuel, coming from the same refinery :rolleyes:

Just curious, I wonder how these said peeps get about and what is the carbon footprint from printing/making all those poster/ticket things 🤔
Is the printer powered by solar, where did the ink come from?

Just a case of twitness in some peeps:p.

its simple to you because you're normal :)
i'm paying 136.9 for diesel, yet 15 miles away where i work, people are paying 144.9.. its the same fuel, coming from the same refinery :rolleyes:
Supply and demand. Captive audience and some greed (yes)
Could somebody drive those 15+15 miles in a car even if they filled up with 100litres and still save money.
Its only math and I am not doing it now as its beer O clock here :vb-drink:
Sod it (but there will be a lot of rounding) they would save £8 now how much to drive would they use, so they would get 6ish liters extra, so a little less than 1 1/2galeons, so if you can do 30mpg you would get nearly 2 liters extra, but if your can could do 30mpg (urban/round town) does it have a tank that could take 100litres?

Now if a guy 5 miles away setup and set the price at 140 it maybe worth it for peeps then its called competition and the others would want their custom back.

its not exactly a 'green' option though. and its likely a 'green'ist thats posting the notes on cars

Why is it not a "green " option. Just because I have a fleet that if all did 10k a year would be responsible for the whole global warming alone.
I can only drive 1 at a time, I take the "mudball" to the local shop(LPG) and the RR to the big town for large shops. Bikes yes fun. but I guess they fly to spain twice a year for their "i need a holiday" So is a camper OTT? No.
The twits that make and post those stickers probably have a bigger footprint than Me or You.

Why is it not a "green " option. Just because I have a fleet that if all did 10k a year would be responsible for the whole global warming alone.
I can only drive 1 at a time, I take the "mudball" to the local shop(LPG) and the RR to the big town for large shops. Bikes yes fun. but I guess they fly to spain twice a year for their "i need a holiday" So is a camper OTT? No.
The twits that make and post those stickers probably have a bigger footprint than Me or You.

because of the manufacturing/maintenance footprint of the additional cars.. much larger than one car.. even if that one car uses more fuel
(i still cant get over how poor my car mpg is compared to others)

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