Guid evening (well it is here)
Athletic afternoon 4 k swim, 4 k run, kin knackered. Off oot shortly for fried chicken n beer, lots and lots of beer. Well I do have to replace lost fluids. IMG_20230705_140110123_HDR.jpgIMG_20230705_140058065_HDR.jpgIMG_20230705_140058065_HDR.jpg
We tried making our own, weren't a bad effort. but we have found an English butcher in country and his stuff is great, we get a couple of orders a year.
Wonder if he would send to you? he overnights ours frozen and we pick up at the office. He is far north west in country so not much difference in travel?
There is gonna be someone doing the same thing in your country.

Cant beat a proper pie and chips sometimes :) Ask him if he can.

Sure makes all the difference, out guy in France is very obliging and he does gluten free, all the trad sossies and a few more off the wall sorts. Lovely gammon too.
But the cost is eyewatering with 1/3 of it the cool transport. :(
blimey. just been reading up because theres talk of requirement to carry a fire extinguisher if you bring your own fuel.

we share transport, so thats 2 bikes. each bike will use 20L of fuel or there abouts over a day, maybe a bit less. you can only store up to 30L at home without a licence!
even seen a post online where someones car insurance only allows one 5L can to be carried!!
blimey. just been reading up because theres talk of requirement to carry a fire extinguisher if you bring your own fuel.

we share transport, so thats 2 bikes. each bike will use 20L of fuel or there abouts over a day, maybe a bit less. you can only store up to 30L at home without a licence!
even seen a post online where someones car insurance only allows one 5L can to be carried!!
Fink there are lawas about how much you can carry, checked recently but it may have been for the ferry, or summat.
blimey. just been reading up because theres talk of requirement to carry a fire extinguisher if you bring your own fuel.

we share transport, so thats 2 bikes. each bike will use 20L of fuel or there abouts over a day, maybe a bit less. you can only store up to 30L at home without a licence!
even seen a post online where someones car insurance only allows one 5L can to be carried!!
I was once stopped by the petrol station staff from filling a 5L can after filling a 20L jerry, they said they weren't allowed to let us have more than 20L. That was in north Welshland, on the way to the club's track day. Needed fuel for 3 of us, so stopped at the next petrol station and got some more.
Ooops, accidnetally posted a weird post a min ago.
This is cos I started a post yessdi then we suddenly heard a clap of funder so I had to run and switch the blessed internet box off.

Yessdi we gots a phone call from a very nice wimmins from French Helath service re getting money back, she started off by telling us that as we weren't resident swe would have to do it all from the Uk when we got back. So I explained to her that the GHIC card is only like the EHIC card was before Brexit and that under the EHIC card we got our money back here. So she says she'll talk to her boss and get back to me "under 48 hours".

I hang up and sit down then she rings again. Turns out W has an "immatriculation" number so we can go ahead and do just that!
Great news, I am now hoping that due to having had to go to hospicle myself a while back I too will have one. We'll find out Fridi!
Didn't do much else apart form mucking about with the two piece swimming pool pole that won't lock up properly. Decided I'll have to drill holes in the two halves and put bolt(s) through.
Then helped W trim our most difficult dog. We thought we might have to restrain her and muzzle her cos she can be a right cow but amazingly she behaved! Still have to do her bod but the legs and ears are done, and all her "sensitive bits". Due to what's been going on she has been neglected and had some real knots in her very fine hair.
Rain stopped play. Then tidied up, dropped off a ton of glass at the recycling and went and saw a neighbour who is going to do some research for me about getting dual nationality. I think he is on a hiding to nothing but I won't stop his fun.
such an interesting bloke who has done some really fascinating work for the Frog government, education and admin computing in particular. Stuff he tells me! Frinstance, back when the frogs were still spending francs, the gubmint decided, as there was mass unemployment that thos in secure jobs, i.e. govt employees, should pay a 1% of their salary levy called a "cotisation de solidarité" so everyone like teachers, civil servants, town hall employees, etc etc , suddenly had to give this up.

This law has never been rescinded! And he also had to use computers to find out how far govt workers have fallen behind in their salaries, compared to others and inflation When he did it, and this was a long time ago as he is 80 now, it was 37%! and things have never improved since then!

We think we have problems getting fair pay over here, (i.e. in the UK).

W off to the physio this p.m.

Have a good one folks!!😊😊😊😊😊

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