Sainsberrys was very busy yesdi. Queues ter gerrin the car park. Eye gottid me shaver and dish dryer from argos. Done me choppin and went to see me lacal lr dealer. Car park full ov used approved big freelanders fer sale un tratters. So there's still a lorra money about. Lots ov new ones anorl waiting fer prep and handover. Swb is about 60k sovs. Lwb 80k sovs. Silly money ferra car. Saw a 130 nu one the other day drive past while eye were sat at the tradfic lights.
It be sad news. Eye dunt like me dish drainer. Two shelf fings. Both held up wiv side bits. Wobbles easily. Cant put dinner plates in the plate shelf when its on the bottom. Strukshuns ses yer can put the plate shelf on the top. Thas a lorra weight when me plates are onnit fer somefink wobberly. So eye is finking ov taking it back ferra refund. Eye has the box and its all nu and unused. Just opened. :(
Arternoon all.
done little today so far.
W very busy pinning her latest patchwork creation then sewing it to the backing. she has put herself under pressure as it is to be a buffday pressy for her eldest whose bumpday is the 2nd. She don't think her sewing maching can handle sewing it all up.:(
I suggested she use off-cuts to practise, but will she listen?:rolleyes:

You guessed it.:(
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