here we go @g@in............
h@d to come home tod@y to t@ke delivery of the new couch @ll good well not quite lol
the ch@ps unboxed it st@rted @ssembeling it @s i w@s ootside, i w@lked in @ the other
l@d s@id th@ts the other bit for the 3 se@ter errrr wot did you s@y m@te

we didnt
order @ 3 se@ter ohhh feck yer i ordered @ corner suite

on his line it s@id 2 se@ter
recliner n @ 3 se@ter recliner. no m@te heres the c@rd from the ch@p in the shop.
so they @ll fell out on the phone lol
the l@ds s@id do you w@nt me to le@ve it.... n@w t@ke it @w@y so we fell out c@use
the misses s@id i w@d d@ft to let it go @h ffs im off to the bo@t @s the l@ds were p@cking
it b@cg in the v@n.
fifteen mins l@ter i get @ c@ll i c@nt get the front door open the l@ds r b@ck with the couch wtf
she phoned the shop n s@id bring it b@ck c@use the old couch is going to the tip n we wont h@ve
@nything to sit on. fffssss

b@ck to the hoose door opened n the l@d r putting the
3 se@ter b@ck in ok then im off i couldnt le@ve one l@d on the bo@t himself so eye fecked off.
see yezz l@ds cheers @ve @ god d@y.....
i c@me in tonight to @ 3 se@ter counch in bits plus big feckn box with @ two se@ter recliner
she told em to le@ve the lot @nd i would build it

got to l@ugh they s@id do wot you w@nt
with it dont bother keeping the dogs off it @s it wont be going b@ck

the right one will be here on wednesd@y.
@nyone looking for @ lovely grey le@ther couch with white stitching