here we go @g@in............

h@d to come home tod@y to t@ke delivery of the new couch @ll good well not quite lol
the ch@ps unboxed it st@rted @ssembeling it @s i w@s ootside, i w@lked in @ the other
l@d s@id th@ts the other bit for the 3 se@ter errrr wot did you s@y m@te :confused: we didnt
order @ 3 se@ter ohhh feck yer i ordered @ corner suite :rolleyes: on his line it s@id 2 se@ter
recliner n @ 3 se@ter recliner. no m@te heres the c@rd from the ch@p in the shop.
so they @ll fell out on the phone lol
the l@ds s@id do you w@nt me to le@ve it.... n@w t@ke it @w@y so we fell out c@use
the misses s@id i w@d d@ft to let it go @h ffs im off to the bo@t @s the l@ds were p@cking
it b@cg in the v@n.

fifteen mins l@ter i get @ c@ll i c@nt get the front door open the l@ds r b@ck with the couch wtf
she phoned the shop n s@id bring it b@ck c@use the old couch is going to the tip n we wont h@ve
@nything to sit on. fffssss :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: b@ck to the hoose door opened n the l@d r putting the
3 se@ter b@ck in ok then im off i couldnt le@ve one l@d on the bo@t himself so eye fecked off.
see yezz l@ds cheers @ve @ god d@y.....

i c@me in tonight to @ 3 se@ter counch in bits plus big feckn box with @ two se@ter recliner
she told em to le@ve the lot @nd i would build it :rolleyes: got to l@ugh they s@id do wot you w@nt
with it dont bother keeping the dogs off it @s it wont be going b@ck o_O
the right one will be here on wednesd@y.

@nyone looking for @ lovely grey le@ther couch with white stitching :D:D
reminds me of my m@te who went in for @n oper@tion but he didnt know th@t his neighbour
w@s one of the surgeons h@h@ she tied @ pink bow round his wee willy fkn hil@rious :D:D
Hogmanay joke.
!st of Jan, scots bloke lying in the gutter at about 8 a.m.
Two little girls walking down the pavement see him and giggle to each other, (D'ye think it's true? Is he wearing anything....underneath?"
So they take a keek and sho nuff, nope no skankies.
So one of them takes a ribbon out of her hair and ties a bow round it.
Later on he wakes up with his head banging achy. Goes to take a p!ss, looks at his winkie and says, "I don't know where you've been, pal, but I'm glad to see you won fust prize!"

your mate's mate must have heard it!!!:D:D:D
here we go @g@in............

h@d to come home tod@y to t@ke delivery of the new couch @ll good well not quite lol
the ch@ps unboxed it st@rted @ssembeling it @s i w@s ootside, i w@lked in @ the other
l@d s@id th@ts the other bit for the 3 se@ter errrr wot did you s@y m@te :confused: we didnt
order @ 3 se@ter ohhh feck yer i ordered @ corner suite :rolleyes: on his line it s@id 2 se@ter
recliner n @ 3 se@ter recliner. no m@te heres the c@rd from the ch@p in the shop.
so they @ll fell out on the phone lol
the l@ds s@id do you w@nt me to le@ve it.... n@w t@ke it @w@y so we fell out c@use
the misses s@id i w@d d@ft to let it go @h ffs im off to the bo@t @s the l@ds were p@cking
it b@cg in the v@n.

fifteen mins l@ter i get @ c@ll i c@nt get the front door open the l@ds r b@ck with the couch wtf
she phoned the shop n s@id bring it b@ck c@use the old couch is going to the tip n we wont h@ve
@nything to sit on. fffssss :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: b@ck to the hoose door opened n the l@d r putting the
3 se@ter b@ck in ok then im off i couldnt le@ve one l@d on the bo@t himself so eye fecked off.
see yezz l@ds cheers @ve @ god d@y.....

i c@me in tonight to @ 3 se@ter counch in bits plus big feckn box with @ two se@ter recliner
she told em to le@ve the lot @nd i would build it :rolleyes: got to l@ugh they s@id do wot you w@nt
with it dont bother keeping the dogs off it @s it wont be going b@ck o_O
the right one will be here on wednesd@y.

@nyone looking for @ lovely grey le@ther couch with white stitching :D:D
So to cut a long story short.....
@kevstar got a "free thing".
Yet again!
Nothing to see here.
Move along.

FFS Kev, you was born under a very lucky star!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Hey @My Old Landy !
This'll make you laugh, or cry!
Often at crimbo W gives me a "construction" thing.
in the recent past I have had the Meccano Spitfire and the Haynes V8 engine.
Now the latter came with the firing order on one bank wrong and the cam timing well out, i suppose most kids would just have thrown it together and just marvelled as it all turned and the "spark plugs" flashed. But I fecked bout until is was "right".
so, this year she got me a "Build your own fm radio" kit.
It's quite cool and I sat down to read the 34 page instructions, which gave testing stuff to do as you go along which seems pretty clever, like using your body as an antennae, etc.
It explained roughly what the various bits do but not in enough detail for me. and as I know absolutely feck all about electronix I decided to bite the bullet and got on Wiki, which involved me clicking on the text in blue to dig deeper and deeper.
This is going to be a long haul! I'm up to a "Bandpass filter". And have decided I can only understand all this sh!t if I read it in total silence, over and over again!
(Who knew that North America don't do DAB?!)
In fact the only thing about the kit that is a bit cr@p is the case. Which in fact is simply a cardboard box printed to look like a 70s transistor radio!
But, I have a cunning plan. I years ago cleared a mate's garage and took away some stuff, (Bit of a @kevstar, got a metal Black and Decker drill, a really good Elora socket set, and a few other bits) but among it all was an old Ekco radio, like this,

Only mine is in green and cream. Methinks I could remove the AM guts and replace it with the noo FM radio bits!!
(I'll keep the bits so I could put it back to original later!)
Hey @My Old Landy !
This'll make you laugh, or cry!
so, this year she got me a "Build your own fm radio" kit.
It's quite cool and I sat down to read the 34 page instructions, which gave testing stuff to do as you go along which seems pretty clever, like using your body as an antennae, etc.
It explained roughly what the various bits do but not in enough detail for me. and as I know absolutely feck all about electronix I decided to bite the bullet and got on Wiki, which involved me clicking on the text in blue to dig deeper and deeper.
This is going to be a long haul! I'm up to a "Bandpass filter". And have decided I can only understand all this sh!t if I read it in total silence, over and over again!
(Who knew that North America don't do DAB?!)
In fact the only thing about the kit that is a bit cr@p is the case. Which in fact is simply a cardboard box printed to look like a 70s transistor radio!
But, I have a cunning plan. I years ago cleared a mate's garage and took away some stuff, (Bit of a @kevstar, got a metal Black and Decker drill, a really good Elora socket set, and a few other bits) but among it all was an old Ekco radio, like this,
Only mine is in green and cream. Methinks I could remove the AM guts and replace it with the noo FM radio bits!!
(I'll keep the bits so I could put it back to original later!)
Any radio equipment is a good start to learning about radio :) I hope you have fun. Obviously the next step is to get your amateur licence and join us on the air :D
A couple of days ago I booked a couple of flights for me n 'er indoors to go to the sunny isle next September. Usually I take a rucksack and squeeze nearly all I need in, and she takes a standard cabin bag and gets nearly all she needs in that. No hold bags, no waiting at the carousel at each end of the journey. But things have changed - seems all the airlines have halved the size of the bags you can carry on board for free. And charge loads of sovs for the previously free to carry on "cabin" sized bags. I am a little miffed -----

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