we is going oot for some indi@n grub then, coming b@ck to go oot to neebs g@thering for @ few
scoops :):)

be b@ck in for the bells. but if im not b@ck on err i wish you lot @
h@ppy new ye@r @ best wishes for twenty twenty free :D

now then who w@nts @ kiss :D:D


yer him.......
Puttin salt in water makes it freeze at a lower temp, which is why the sea don't freeze when a lake or canal freezes.
https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts...freezes just like,only the water part freezes.
and when it does the frozen bit is only watter not salt!!
With the addition of salt, fewer water molecules are present at the interface between liquid and solid. In other words, salt particles block the water molecules from re-entering the solid phase, so more water molecules are leaving and less are entering the solid.
I have seen some who think that adding salt to water with ice in it will cool your bot of champers, prosecco or lager faster.
Even read about it in Hemingway. Funnily it should work as more ice melts that way and melting ice absorbs heat.

Think I need a lie-down now!!!
Puttin salt in water makes it freeze at a lower temp, which is why the sea don't freeze when a lake or canal freezes.
https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/oceanfreeze.html#:~:text=Ocean water freezes just like,only the water part freezes.
and when it does the frozen bit is only watter not salt!!
With the addition of salt, fewer water molecules are present at the interface between liquid and solid. In other words, salt particles block the water molecules from re-entering the solid phase, so more water molecules are leaving and less are entering the solid.
I have seen some who think that adding salt to water with ice in it will cool your bot of champers, prosecco or lager faster.
Even read about it in Hemingway. Funnily it should work as more ice melts that way and melting ice absorbs heat.

Think I need a lie-down now!!!
When in Sweden I saw the frozen ocean. It was amazing to see. The outside temperature was only -20 deg C but that was cold enough for me!
Sorry for the delayed response - numpties needed rescuing.
My boss washed the trucks this morning. One of the other drivers jumped into one of them half an hour later - and the handbrake was frozen on. Checked the other with traditional handbrakes....all the same.

To be fair, it has been -4C here all day...and temp is falling further even now.

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