Me uvver next door neighbours have removed the sheets of white asbestos that the Council had fitted to his garage ceiling and left them propped up against the wall over the road ...

Don't fink he's allowed to do that as they're not even single wrapped let alone double ... :(
Afternoon folks:).

So cut the front grass this morning before it got to ott, Put the shark in the pool.
Then onto fixing loos:eek:.
So due to my failed attempt at getting a new unit other day I had the brain fart of just taking the 1 out of the annex:), its hardly ever used and still got the outside loo in the same area so no probs for a while. oh what fun:eek:, for some reason I never fitted an isolation valve to that particular loo, why, I dont know, but I think its cos I never had the correct flexi to go from a valve to the fill so I just hard piped it and said need to sort that later. Life obviously got in the way 5yrs later its back on the list:rolleyes:. So the outside has no water at the moment as I cant be bothered to look for bits I know I have now. But the good news is 2 working Loos for the guest rooms now:) with no leaks (when I left them) will check them again tomorrow.

So decided to down tools and crack open a Saturday beer while the shark finishes his cycle then get him out clean and test the water with my body:p:D.
Have a good weekend all doing what you want I hope:).

Mornin' all, twas a long day yesterday. I am considering a re-retire shortly :)

Can I be nosey and ask why its back on the table?
When I did my couple of unretyred times I had a time limit so that was fine.

But if you are seeing its not good for you no matter how much you like doing it, see if you can drop another day. They will probably consider it, if they like the work you do. Or perhaps go into teaching your skill:) Night school? 1 evening a week, I don't know what's about where you are.
I was pretty much offered a couple of jobs from "well control " schools teaching. We discussed it but it meant moving to Aberdeen or Spain, so that got squashed pretty quick:).

Don't let it get to you, you need to do what's right for you and Mrs Old Landy:).

Can I be nosey and ask why its back on the table?
When I did my couple of unretyred times I had a time limit so that was fine.

But if you are seeing its not good for you no matter how much you like doing it, see if you can drop another day. They will probably consider it, if they like the work you do. Or perhaps go into teaching your skill:) Night school? 1 evening a week, I don't know what's about where you are.
I was pretty much offered a couple of jobs from "well control " schools teaching. We discussed it but it meant moving to Aberdeen or Spain, so that got squashed pretty quick:).

Don't let it get to you, you need to do what's right for you and Mrs Old Landy:).

My health is deteriorating again. I thought I was stable and improving but the last few weeks have proven otherwise. I love my job but my body does not it seems :(
My health is deteriorating again. I thought I was stable and improving but the last few weeks have proven otherwise. I love my job but my body does not it seems :(

I sort of figured that was the reason, and it is a shame:(, cos jobs that you actually enjoy are hard to come by.
But you need to look after number 1 & 2:D First.

You have to live long enough to spend and enjoy your millions:). That was our discussion:D.

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