I know you were talking about electric fence. Its the way to go for not much money.
Do you neighbor's grown anything? the reason I ask is if they cant get yours they will go to theirs:).
So maybe split the cost and get a good solar powered 1 that will cover the line. They are not expensive.
Maybe allow them into your bramblly area they may sort it for you:).

Wildlife live their lives if its tasty they are gonna have it if its easy prey, sorry mate but true:(.

I have sat outside last couple of nights as its getting dark.
Mother Owl is talking to baby Owls and they are all chatting together in the oak trees. Then Mum appears in the pine, calling. Then if I am lucky I get to see them fly to the pines. Its the time of year for flying lessons:D. We have had this every year we have been here and it is always nice to hear, see if your lucky:)
They can eat as many of our homegrown mice as they like:D.

Yurp we too have an Owl, never seen him/her but we do hear it calling to another one.
We don't have neighbours who grow anything. One side is our field which is wild, tother was wild until a few months ago when the new neighbours moved in and started cutting the undergrowth back , well a bit, it's a monumental job. Our brambly area isn't so brambly since we had it cut back and I am trying to keep it down as we want to sell it!
We think the deer are coming in from their land, at the bottom where there is a gap in the tree hedge we planted. Have yet to see them even jump the fence onto our other bit of land, and the bottom is undergrowth and trees while the top is fenced and beside a road.
I think we'll put up a barbed wire fence , not just a mesh one, where the gap is and if that don't work we'll go for the electric number.
But we don't know what we'll do in the winter 6 months when we aren't here. Maybe there will be some way of keeping the electric fence going. Know nothing about them TBH. Like the idea of solar, but don't know where we'd mount the panel as the fence line is so high it blocks the sunlight right out!
Thanks for the info mate!
Din't get round to weeding to fill me bin so eye put me mower on high and gorrim to chop up the top bit. Then eye cut back some branches on me tree's un bushes so they all havva chance at seeing the sun. A bobbin shot oot the bush. The eye pulled more weeds oot the drive. Then eye hacked away at me naybors bush. Finished at 11pm int dark.
Broke a big measuring jug, a muslin bag thing split when I was squeezing it to get juice from crushed blackcurrants. The split happened to be pointing straight at me so you can guess the mess and the need to change my shorts.
Then Wifey had given me sugar to out in the mix.
Trusting her completely, as I always do, I open the pouring device and started pouring. After looking at what was going into the pan I stopped and checked the label on the funny plassy container. Twasn't sugar twas feckin flour with raising agent in it!!!
This was after flipping hours of faffing around with blackcurrants, sorting, pulling stalks off then putting them through a liquidiser (which didn't work unless I put enough red wine with it), then straining it through a sieve which meant pouring the gunk in then shoving it around with a spoon until most of the juice came out.
I thought all my hard work had gone up the spout but Wifey flew to the rescue and scraped out the flour which, admittedly hadn't all dissolved into it. But it is wheat flour so dunno if Wifey will eventually be able to drink the Creme de Cassis. Hopefully it'll be down to "trace" which she can stand.
Discovered we don't have enough lemons for her to use for the jam and I don't have quite enough vodka to be able to finish off the Creme. So it'll wait until after shopping tomoz.
Has it rained here as promised?
Has it feck!
So mixed day, but largely still on course.
Hope you all had a good day and are looking forward to the evening.

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