Afternoon folks:).

So cut the front grass this morning before it got to ott, Put the shark in the pool.
Then onto fixing loos:eek:.
So due to my failed attempt at getting a new unit other day I had the brain fart of just taking the 1 out of the annex:), its hardly ever used and still got the outside loo in the same area so no probs for a while. oh what fun:eek:, for some reason I never fitted an isolation valve to that particular loo, why, I dont know, but I think its cos I never had the correct flexi to go from a valve to the fill so I just hard piped it and said need to sort that later. Life obviously got in the way 5yrs later its back on the list:rolleyes:. So the outside has no water at the moment as I cant be bothered to look for bits I know I have now. But the good news is 2 working Loos for the guest rooms now:) with no leaks (when I left them) will check them again tomorrow.

So decided to down tools and crack open a Saturday beer while the shark finishes his cycle then get him out clean and test the water with my body:p:D.
Have a good weekend all doing what you want I hope:).

Yer gorra pet shark?
Yer gorra pet shark?

Pool cleaner, tis called a shark ...

Went to sainberrys yesdi. Nearly everyfink eye gottid was on necter offer. Eye wait for fings to come up then stock up. But they is still offering cheap vegerbul pies when eye has eatid too many. Eye wants the steak one now and have bortid anuvva box to point this oot to them. But they has ignored it int past. The tin of macaroni cheese is different. Eye only bortid one last week un this week eye gets an offer ferra nuvva one. So eye got 4. 0.7 sovs down to 0.54 sovs. A cheap lunch and memories of being little again.
Buzz lightyear was 30 this week.

If yer want a henry hoover they is 150 sovs discounted to 100 sovs in sainsberrys. Some other chops like currys and john lewis have em discounted anorl. If yer want a new fiend then good time to buy. Just make sure yer check wots included in the box. And some chops are discounting the 9 litre model and others 6 litre. Just means the bagged dust space is smaller. When searching fer henry's yer need to include numatic which the company and brand.
Mornin all.
Up earlyish as expecting a delivery and knew I had to print off a QR code to get it handed over.
So fires up the pooter and the printer.
It won't print! Same pooter, same printer as before.:mad::mad::mad:
Much foul language and trying of everything.
So sent the email to my phone so I can at least show it on there.
Then went online for help.
Downloaded the whole nine yards of stuff from Canon. took about 1/4 of an hour including printer alignment etc.
Then tried to print the email again.
Phew it worked.
Summat to do with having had Windows 10 installed.
Feel quite proud of myself, for once.
Lovely weather here today hoping it'll last long enough to finish off jointing the slabs.
Have a nice day folks.

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