Afternoon folks:).

Not really done much today, Did go into town and insure 2 bikes and 1 car (not full comp) all were cheaper than last year so all up was 485Lv = 205gbp.
So not bad:). That includes green cards.

M did the first long cut on some of the grass today:).

Our solar squiggles are doing really well lately we are not using much past 1pm so its going to waste:), its hinting that we should open the pool and get that going, so maybe next week so its ready mid/early May to use:p. Thing is May can be a bit rainy;)

Hope you all havent eaten (or planning to eat) too many eggs:) Unless you are topping up the Grandkids with E numbers before giving them back:D:p:eek:.

Guid day

Keep fit day
Been done weekly shop
Been gym
Had lunch
Been for my 5 mile river walk and met my burds, mum and kids from last year
Will settle down now and watch the footie
Wife away for a month to stay with her mum who is not keeping too well
So house husband looking after my 18 year old son on holiday from Uni and 13 year old daughter who thinks she is 18 !

Take it easy and remember to roll your eggs tomorrow

New Zealand Prof Shane Cronin has just returned from snorkelling over the Tonga underwater volcano that blew its top in January

He wanted to get a closer look at Hunga-Tonga Hunga-Ha'apai (HTHH), and to gather some rock samples.

The seamount produced one of the fiercest volcanic explosions in more than a century on 15 January.

It sent a plume of ash and vapour halfway to space and generated a tsunami that swept across the Pacific.

The event touched literally every corner of the globe as atmospheric waves spread out in all directions to complete a full circumnavigation.

Activity at the volcano has now abated, which allowed the University of Auckland scientist to get in close on a small boat with Tongan locals Dee and Bronco Sugar.
Is a bit cloudy so can't see the jets this mornin.
Fink it'll burn oft in a bit
Remarkably I has no list this weekend, which is good cuz I dunt want to do anyfing anyway.

Nice wagon @derwendolly :) Whereja putta dogs when rollin? o_O

(Stan incoming wif doggin quip in five, four, three...) :D
Hee Hee! you durdy rat!!!
Others are quicker and durdier than me!!!:D:D:D
Guid day

Keep fit day
Been done weekly shop
Been gym
Had lunch
Been for my 5 mile river walk and met my burds, mum and kids from last year
Will settle down now and watch the footie
Wife away for a month to stay with her mum who is not keeping too well
So house husband looking after my 18 year old son on holiday from Uni and 13 year old daughter who thinks she is 18 !

Take it easy and remember to roll your eggs tomorrow
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Living life to the max! It was a great day to be outdoors, here's to nice weather for the rest of the weekend :)
Well, got up latish but have been beavering away ever since.
No lunch as we don't do that no more. (One rather weird way of trying to lose weight?!):(
Managed to wrestle the chicken run into place, ready for their arrival Weds. Tis an "Omlet" one so lots of netting and poles and guys and such. Also had to dig up some weeds to make sure we could peg it to the ground well enough to keep Mr Foxy out and Mrs Hens in!! First time in 3 years, will be nice to get back to normality.!:):):)
Wot about avian flu eh? no more freerange eggs a possibility, so Wifey has read out to me.:eek:
Emptied Disco ready to go and pick up a stere of wood Tuesday.:)
Wifey helped with the run and then did some clearing of a raised bed and planting out some strawbs as well as watering the polytunnel.
Was feckin hot relatively speaking, had to wear a bandana:(.
Have a lovely Satdi night folks!:):):)
Can't believe it. Sunny Bank Holiday day and my idiot neighbours light a bonfire @ 17:00 WTF is wrong with people?
TBF, they are a bit "Pikey" and in their own little bubble all the time, like nothing matters except them.
It is why we moved here, people are a little more aware of their neighbours etc I feel for you as our last neighbours used to do the same :(

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