
New Zealand Prof Shane Cronin has just returned from snorkelling over the Tonga underwater volcano that blew its top in January

He wanted to get a closer look at Hunga-Tonga Hunga-Ha'apai (HTHH), and to gather some rock samples.

The seamount produced one of the fiercest volcanic explosions in more than a century on 15 January.

It sent a plume of ash and vapour halfway to space and generated a tsunami that swept across the Pacific.

The event touched literally every corner of the globe as atmospheric waves spread out in all directions to complete a full circumnavigation.

Activity at the volcano has now abated, which allowed the University of Auckland scientist to get in close on a small boat with Tongan locals Dee and Bronco Sugar.

What a fookin idiot.

Volcanoes have to be extinct for about 50 million years before I'll go near them.

If I'm jumpin off a boat in me togs, 75 million years.
Fell oft me scaff olding yesdi. Eye was painting the upstairs winda sill and spottid the wood above the down stairs winda. Fort eye would paint it anorl but me scaff wern't the right height. There's a bottom floor a foot oft the ground. Eye needed one just above waist height so eye took the floor eye was standing on to do upstairs oft and purrit lower down. After doing some more painting eye stepped backwards oft it like eye normally do wiv the one thats a foot oft the ground. Landid on me bum and back. Eye was ok. Lucky me paint tin was empty.
Fell oft me scaff olding yesdi. Eye was painting the upstairs winda sill and spottid the wood above the down stairs winda. Fort eye would paint it anorl but me scaff wern't the right height. There's a bottom floor a foot oft the ground. Eye needed one just above waist height so eye took the floor eye was standing on to do upstairs oft and purrit lower down. After doing some more painting eye stepped backwards oft it like eye normally do wiv the one thats a foot oft the ground. Landid on me bum and back. Eye was ok. Lucky me paint tin was empty.
Steady on old chap, you don't want go falling, it hurts!! Glad to hear you are ok :)
Morning All :D
A nice day here. Avoiding children like the plague today as we will have them all over for a BBQ tomorrow.
Have a good time with your families everyone, and for those of you that are on your own, know that we all enjoy your "virtual" company on here and wish you well. :)
Have a lovely day! :D
Fell oft me scaff olding yesdi. Eye was painting the upstairs winda sill and spottid the wood above the down stairs winda. Fort eye would paint it anorl but me scaff wern't the right height. There's a bottom floor a foot oft the ground. Eye needed one just above waist height so eye took the floor eye was standing on to do upstairs oft and purrit lower down. After doing some more painting eye stepped backwards oft it like eye normally do wiv the one thats a foot oft the ground. Landid on me bum and back. Eye was ok. Lucky me paint tin was empty.
You woz lucky!:):):):)
Bet you only do that once!;)
Ope no pain appears later, as it can do.:eek:
Mornin all!
Lovely day ere too!
We were going to spend it doin nuffin much, but it's going to rain for more or less a fortnight solid from tomoz on, so if I don't get started on cutting the "grass" it'll be too high for my mosheen.:(:(:(
so this'll be have to be today's plan and we'll celebrate tomoz.:rolleyes:
Hope no neighbours complain, not that we have any nearby, as I'll breaking the lor!:eek:
Done one tankful.
It goes an amazing distance on one.
Arthritic thumbs don't like it and i have been very careful with my left Achilles tendon as for some completely unknown reason I have noticed it being painful recently.
Don't want that to go pop on me!!:eek::eek::eek:
So come in for a breather.;)
It is hot but not too hot, thank the Lord.:)
Hope you are all enjoying the day!!! We'll be having roast chook later on!:):):)
Mornin all!
Lovely day ere too!
We were going to spend it doin nuffin much, but it's going to rain for more or less a fortnight solid from tomoz on, so if I don't get started on cutting the "grass" it'll be too high for my mosheen.:(:(:(
so this'll be have to be today's plan and we'll celebrate tomoz.:rolleyes:
Hope no neighbours complain, not that we have any nearby, as I'll breaking the lor!:eek:
it's a big Freelander, long wheel base, sv.

About yer bolts... have a look on ebay. Now yer in frogland there should be a seller there flogging em. Eye got my stainless bolts for me doors from ebay as not many chops sellem. Buy within the country yer located to avoid customs and delivery costs.
As you say, we always buy in the country to avoid all the customs etc sh!t. And they are a bit quicker.
As I may have mentioned ManoMano are good, they supplied a swimming pool pump the next day.:eek::eek::eek:
But funnily, when I opened LZ a moment ago, before I logged on, an advert popped up, which of course doesn't normally happen now i have signed up to be a fancy member! And it was for bolts etc of all types, "up to 8mm", so I opened it and bookmarked it to go to later. Of course being over here on the French phone system all search engines etc are in French for France and I have a heck of a job searching for stuff in the UK, unless I know their specific address.
Thanks for thinking of me and I'll keep you posted how I get on.:):):)
Hope you are still OK from your fall!!:):):)
Neighbours've just turned up. Their place being a building site all they ever do is work there, I can hear him scraping a shovel across a concrete surface. Yessdi he was using a disc cutter a lot and I may have heard a concrete mixer rumbling.
Doubt they'll kick off!!
Anyway the weedwhacker/mulcher will be being used at the far side of the land!;)
Me first seed popped its head above soil on day 3, yesdi. Looking again today the brown seed case has come oft. Two little green disc's on a stem. An anuvva one has appeared anorl. Just about to rise above soil level. Thas not bad for 4 days wuk. Fink there's about 20 seeds in me mushroom tub. Semi clear plastic so eye can see if the roots hit the bottom meaning they need to move to biggerer pots.
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