Been replacing a door in the horse lorry. Another plus it’s white(lorry just needs a wash to match) Original 1 was small so bigger hole needed.
Great having battery jigsaws/grinder/circular saw/driller & vacumn.
As I reported a couple of days ago I have sold my trailer via flea bay. Was unsure if I was being scammed as it sold in under 1 1/2 hours. But I did a bit of detective work and it turns out the buyer is the same business that sold it to me. And I sold it back to them for 100 sovs more than I bought it :D. Must still be a good profit in it for them as they have a 500 mile round trip to collect it :eek:. Must be a supply and demand thing.
That could be a problem then. How much floor space is there?
I have no idea even what vehicle this pic is of!
I have no chance of ever owning one and can't imagine our three spaniels not wanting to be part of the trip travelling with their mum and dad! They love going in the car and cannot wait to get their harnesses on.
This time, having to do 12 hours straight on the St Malo ferry we were worried what we would be faced with on opening the car, but bless them, they had all just slept through. No mess no nothing. They have a special seat cover that Wifey made made up of part an old duvet and part some old towelling which is ever so comfortable yet also washable. It has holes for the seat belts so we can fasten them then attach their harnesses to the belts.
But your doggies must love the new van!!!:):):)
I do remember back in the 80s when my ex-wife wanted to do some cleaning in our school to earn some extra dosh and there was a Head of Faculty doing exactly that who figured in the news.
Plus ça change, n'est-ce pas?:(:(:(
When I first started teaching (1965) I had to work two evenings a week in a youth club in order to buy a car so that I could get to work! True, things haven't changed, one just has to cut the coat according to the cloth available. I could say that youngsters today expect to have everything they want when they want it but really that is not the real cause of today's dissatisfaction, it is the widening gap between the public and private sector earnings that is causing it. The gov. has been using the public sector pay as a way of saving money!
When I first started teaching (1965) I had to work two evenings a week in a youth club in order to buy a car so that I could get to work! True, things haven't changed, one just has to cut the coat according to the cloth available. I could say that youngsters today expect to have everything they want when they want it but really that is not the real cause of today's dissatisfaction, it is the widening gap between the public and private sector earnings that is causing it. The gov. have been using the public sector pay as a way of saving money!
Having come into teaching after doing various other jobs, the last one giving me a firm's car, a secretary, an expense account and two bonuses a year, I was used to negotiating my pay on a personal level, i.e. going into my bosses office and explaining why I thought I was worth more money.
I didn't go into teaching for the money, but I was shocked when I realised how pay rises were letting us all slide into the gutter. I looked around for something else to do but unfortunately at the time I couldn't just pack it in as I had a wife and a mortgage to feed. So I stuck with it.
Once she started earning things were better but I didn't become "comfortable" until after my divorce when I met and started living with my present wife who earned twice what I earned despite only being recently qualified. Then we rented one house out and lived in the other, all of which led to us being comfortable enough to be able to finance our place in France. Which I could never have been able to do had I stayed as a bog standard teacher, in a teaching couple.
You are absolutely right. The Tories have never respected the work done by the public sector and depress our wages continuously relying on the fact that it is often very difficult, if not downright impossible, for such people to transfer their skills to the private sector. Long gone are the days when there might have only been one car on a street and that car belonged to the teacher!:(:(:(

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