11 years of "Ill"? :(
She's been a "Random Toilet Place" cat since a very early age. Nothing is safe.
Kitchen chairs, newspapers left on work surfaces, Pouffé in the lounge, hearthrug in the lounge, bedrooms/bathrooms upstairs. etc. etc. all have been graced by her bizarre toilet habits.
When she does use her tray it will be to do 1 or the other in it and then run away like she's being chased and then stop and do the second half elswhere.
This can be in any order; Poo, then Pee or Pee then Pooh. So its not a UTI cuasing pain, or an issue with taking a bowel movement. She's just mental.
Sounds like she just likes to do each "excretion" in a new clean place. Have you tried having two clean litter trays, or two piles of newspaper? Or more?
I expect you have, as you have probably tried all the obvious and most of the not so obvious things.
But does sound like she doesn't think she ought to do it outside.
I do hope you find a solution.
Very cold this a.m..
Got up at 0630 to let the dogs out, that had been out 6 and a half hours earlier, to find a big puddle and 4 separate piles of semi-liquid poop. A-fecking-gain!!!
Only enough poop for one dog, but the main suspect has been being fed on hard-boiled eggs and rice the past two days.
So, stumped again.:mad::mad::mad: Empathising with @DanClarke here!
Did the back stretches from my Callan Pinkney book, back felt a bit better after but a bit light headed, maybe from the Solpadol.

Gas struts have arrived but Wifey has gone off to meet her Trefoil guild mates in the Pluriel.
France will be letting peeps back in again as of tomoz so Wifey is all cock a hoop about getting the visas.
The burd I spoke to yessdi obvs knew this was coming.;)
Must remember to put the bins out today!!!
Have a good one folks!!!
She likes heated seats n good heaters she would only complain.

These aren’t that expensive


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