Nowt ter report today. Been to wurk un back. Ma trusty hippo carried me. Eye has wurked oot when the big set ov traffic lights issa bowt to change as yer can see the green man fing turn to green ont crossing on tuvva side. Eye then selects drive, pause, then oft we goes. Me bobbin was floating about this mornin. Somefink int me naybors garden tempted it. Kin cold oot there. He looks at me as if he's waytin ferra reaction.
Very dark but dry and for that I am grateful. I can't tell about the temperature 'cos I've only opened and closed the door so far. Although not mild it didn't seem to be frosty cold but you will have to wait until later when I can either see the white ground or go out and do the nippy fingers test. :)
Whatever your weather is like I hope you all enjoy your day either at work or at play. :)


It is very frosty and misty with a hint of the golden glow trying to get out of 'is pit.
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Morning All :D
A white and frosty morning here. :(
Surprisingly it says it is 2° still. :eek:
Having major problems with the last of my cats. :(
She is refusing to use her perfectly clean litter tray and has been defecating and urinating all over the house.
Yesterday it was in the living room (door open) and all over the floor, I locked her in the Kitchen/diner/utility overnight and came down to find a puddle by the back door where boots were stood on a newspaper.
I despair, she isn't "ill"; she's mental. :(
Wife says its time to take her for a long drive and dump her somewhere. I can't do such a thing, I'm not built that way.
Other than these issues, its a great day. Have a good one. :D

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