Morning All :D
A white and frosty morning here. :(
Surprisingly it says it is 2° still. :eek:
Having major problems with the last of my cats. :(
She is refusing to use her perfectly clean litter tray and has been defecating and urinating all over the house.
Yesterday it was in the living room (door open) and all over the floor, I locked her in the Kitchen/diner/utility overnight and came down to find a puddle by the back door where boots were stood on a newspaper.
I despair, she isn't "ill"; she's mental. :(
Wife says its time to take her for a long drive and dump her somewhere. I can't do such a thing, I'm not built that way.
Other than these issues, its a great day. Have a good one. :D

They taste just like chicken if it saves you taking her for a drive ;)
Morning All :D
Having major problems with the last of my cats. :(
She is refusing to use her perfectly clean litter tray and has been defecating and urinating all over the house.
Yesterday it was in the living room (door open) and all over the floor, I locked her in the Kitchen/diner/utility overnight and came down to find a puddle by the back door where boots were stood on a newspaper.
I despair, she isn't "ill"; she's mental. :(
Wife says its time to take her for a long drive and dump her somewhere. I can't do such a thing, I'm not built that way.
Other than these issues, its a great day. Have a good one. :D
But she is ill, I suggest it is time to visit the vet and give him/her the final say.:(
But she is ill, I suggest it is time to visit the vet and give him/her the final say.:(
11 years of "Ill"? :(
She's been a "Random Toilet Place" cat since a very early age. Nothing is safe.
Kitchen chairs, newspapers left on work surfaces, Pouffé in the lounge, hearthrug in the lounge, bedrooms/bathrooms upstairs. etc. etc. all have been graced by her bizarre toilet habits.
When she does use her tray it will be to do 1 or the other in it and then run away like she's being chased and then stop and do the second half elswhere.
This can be in any order; Poo, then Pee or Pee then Pooh. So its not a UTI cuasing pain, or an issue with taking a bowel movement. She's just mental.
Its gonna take me 2 days to chop into baggable sized bits. Then it would take me another 2 days to put it through me shredder, or half an hour to take it to the recycle centre. Guess where its going :D. Back out in a minute to continue bagging ------
My shredder misses out on your first stage as it happily munches up large branches etc. :)
11 years of "Ill"? :(
She's been a "Random Toilet Place" cat since a very early age. Nothing is safe.
Kitchen chairs, newspapers left on work surfaces, Pouffé in the lounge, hearthrug in the lounge, bedrooms/bathrooms upstairs. etc. etc. all have been graced by her bizarre toilet habits.
When she does use her tray it will be to do 1 or the other in it and then run away like she's being chased and then stop and do the second half elswhere.
This can be in any order; Poo, then Pee or Pee then Pooh. So its not a UTI cuasing pain, or an issue with taking a bowel movement. She's just mental.

11 years ffs I dont think I could have put up with that, Id have built it a run to stay in or sorry to say
rung its neck if it didnt train well. Every time it done it id soak it with water. My misses old cat used to
bring in animals & every time it done it, she chucked water over it & it soon stopped.

Cat joke for ye....:D
Drizzle rain here very mild though, back still sore it only took me 5 mins to get my socks on today
much quicker than yesterday. We have no food left but the fridge freezer & cupboards look full to
me. I need to take her to morrisons. So I will be sitting in the landy waiting ootside.
Morning All :D
A white and frosty morning here. :(
Surprisingly it says it is 2° still. :eek:
Having major problems with the last of my cats. :(
She is refusing to use her perfectly clean litter tray and has been defecating and urinating all over the house.
Yesterday it was in the living room (door open) and all over the floor, I locked her in the Kitchen/diner/utility overnight and came down to find a puddle by the back door where boots were stood on a newspaper.
I despair, she isn't "ill"; she's mental. :(
Wife says its time to take her for a long drive and dump her somewhere. I can't do such a thing, I'm not built that way.
Other than these issues, its a great day. Have a good one. :D

Pretty heartless to just ditch the moggy in the middle of nowhere o_O

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