Straighten my leg ffs it was like a fence post, I nearly booted her right oot the bed haha
No chance of a nice rub after ive stripped the covers right off her it was like pulling a table
cloth with a load of dishes on it. :D:D
Still very sore :(
Hee Hee!:D:D:D:D
Wimmins develop the strength of 10 when it comes to hanging on to the bedclothes!!!
Well now that has passed, and if you are still very sore, offer her a nice spin in your EVO if she'll give you a nice massage!
Followed by a fish suppy!
And timorra should be a good day, gannin doon ti Scunthorpe ti see No 1 son and family, our one and only grandougter has forgotten what we look like, thon zoom doesn’t cut it when families need cuddles.
Lots ov cuddles n alcohol aheid
Bit ****ed off that we need a hire car when thon P38 was bought to do these runs, but it’s a LR and it’s mair me fault then the auld sod!
Night aall, divvint worry if am not aroond ower the next day or so, Mebbes gannin further ‘doon sooth’ to look ower D2 as interested in.
Any bugger on here looking to flog a decent one….?
I think if ours were all decent we'd all be hanging on to them! It's the indecent ones we'll be trying to flog you!;)
It is indeed.

Although the few hours I will have to work this morning will be in a windowless server room as I need to have a clear out because the previous IT peeps have used it as a storeroom and it's full of old broken bits and pieces.
When Wifey was an international IT auditor she used to have to take pics of server rooms to put in her reports.
Some of them were so hilariously dangerous! "Use of keypad, who knows the combination, how often is it changed, no fluids in there, like abandoned cups of coffee, (or no cups but they often left rings on top of the servers,) no paper to be stored there, emergency procedures e,g, what to they do if flooded or big power cut, disaster recovery procs, how often are they tested when last done what were the results, etc etc!!!!"
(She can bang on for hours on all this!)
So best of luck with this essential job!:):):):):):):)
Feck me! We've had a bit of sunshine.:rolleyes:
Just a tiny bit, still cold here. We bought a new clothes dryer/ frame/ clothes horse thingy yessdi as we haven't been able to hang clothes out for ages. :(:(:(
Weather will continue dodgy today but for the next few days should be hot, so gardening will resume then!:(:(:(
Shopping done yessdi so had wine at lunch then at dins. Did nowt else!!;);)
(Well I changed three awkward light bulbs. Hole in foot playin me up again!:mad::mad::mad:)
Floods in Germany, Holland and Belgium looking pretty B awful.:(:(:(
Weather has gone nuts!
Have a lovely day folks!:):):):)
Oh and my dash cam, which has been playing up recently, i.e. refusing to come on for no apparent reason, tried to pull it off its mount and the connection from the mount to the sucker on the windscreen bruk!
You know I said I like mending things? Well guess what.........
And then the barsteward started working, down there resting on the central console!
So @Hippo commiserations on the death of yours!:(:(:(
Just ordered some trv's from screwdfix. Eye only wants the metal bit wiv the m30 connection. Dun't need the trv but yer gorra buy that bit anorl. And some cleaner ter kill more ants. Found two more nests last nite when pulling up more bricks where the fekers had pulled oat me sand. Need some more ant powder anorl.
Afternoon folks :)

well managed to get started at 8am today it was really nice, Just shorts:).
Quit at 11 and did a little prep in the shady area, but have figured I shouldn't do more hrs in a day than when I worked for a living. Not that thats gonna happen. 12hr days are way in the past:D.

Anyway the pigeon with a duff sat nav;), was gone this morning so guess he on his way again to who knows where, Not sure he did:D.

So guess what time it is now:D:D.

... that I took the tadpole trike out for a ride this morning. The usual “round Canvey & Back” ride (9 and a bit miles). ;)
On the flat the speed was 9 and a bit peaking to 10. Taking into account the starts and stops and the hills the Average was much less (7.4).
My right knee was complaining the whole time (usual pain spot – inside of leg) which made it not quite as enjoyable as it should have been. :(
Boiling hot day, tide was out, and very little breeze for cooling.
But the ride got done so I am happy. :D
... that I took the tadpole trike out for a ride this morning. The usual “round Canvey & Back” ride (9 and a bit miles). ;)
On the flat the speed was 9 and a bit peaking to 10. Taking into account the starts and stops and the hills the Average was much less (7.4).
My right knee was complaining the whole time (usual pain spot – inside of leg) which made it not quite as enjoyable as it should have been. :(
Boiling hot day, tide was out, and very little breeze for cooling.
But the ride got done so I am happy. :D
Did you run your gadget and check the angle of lean etc?

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