Told ma hippo about the loss our our dash cam yesdi. There were some tears but he tookkit betterer than eye fort he would. As yerd eggspect from a true feind, he wanted to see if he could power him again. Eye let him as eye fort it would help wiv the greevin process. Sadly we couldn't gerrim going.

We still carry his older brother wivvus assa backup so eye fort we would go back to using him assa dash cam ferrabit. He was upset at the loss of his younger brother but agreed to havva a go. Eye fort he would be ok but the shock hit him harder than eye fort. He did do some recording but messed up his memory card. Fink it may have been too soon after the shock.

Tried to format the memory card int different ways burrit be broke'd. Just won't clear. Tis a propper good one anorl from a shop as opposed to knock oft from the web. So eye remembered me deadded dash cam hassa memory card still. Took that oat and offered it to me uvva dash cam and he was onnurd to avvit. Sentimentul value of it being his brothers eye fink. Am hoping he dun't mess this one up assit cost 60 sovs. We will avva nuvva go this morning.

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