Sometimes I have to read your posts three or four times.. other times I have to go away for a bit an try again.
This was one of the latter, I couldn't get medicated toilet tissue and Mylie Cyrus out of my head..
Hole lee free hor fower thymes?
Whie hasyer gotted medicateded tissues ter let, hand Milly Cyprus inyer ed? :eek:
Sweerd innit :D:D
Me wata buts be filled and eye is gonna wash morer me slabs. If it still be raynin eye will put jet washa int garage un put tumbrella above me ter keep dry.
Eye will also purra sheet er wood int front of me 4 legs so the spray dun't get me. Me jet fing needs ter beer hinch fromt slab ter get ridder lycon.
Well had a text to collect a mac Donald’s for the mot station. So they parked the LR on the ramp,lifted it up & said feel free to grease props etc. Dam them puddles.
All nipples greased.
Yep it passed.

Then back home & treat it to a full tank of fuel.
Er bobbin be int me gardun more often than normal. Eye be wotchin it over last few days un it keeps going int bush then there be ur screachin sound. It musta bin feedin it's little one int bush. Eye int sure ift the bush be it's ome. Eye fink the bush be baby sittin and praps not ome.

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