This morning I was mostly wearing a black bin bag wiv a belt, de-rigeur for wet cutting the last few tiles for me refreshed baffoom. That was waterproof. You only wet cut one tile before realising you needs to be waterproof.
An eventful day yesterday. A Hippo got its nose punched by a little hatchback. Some damage to the hippo :( but the hatch was pretty wrecked. Happened just outside me house. Police were there pretty quick, blood wagon to get the hatch driver out took about an hour to arrive, the real emergency service (breakdown truck) took 3 hours to arrive. Both cars taken away on the truck.
The leather and PVC is waterproof but the style is probably not suitable for any type of manual labour. :)

I try not to do any manual labour. But stood round dressed like that i may earn more money.:oops:
Some one would mention cash in hand:eek:

I can hear the squeak when your all dancing tonight. Have fun, don’t forget your on a diet, but as your dancing that is your exercise
I try not to do any manual labour. But stood round dressed like that i may earn more money.:oops:
Some one would mention cash in hand:eek:

I can hear the squeak when your all dancing tonight. Have fun, don’t forget your on a diet, but as your dancing that is your exercise
I shall oil up the PVC so I don't squeak!
The 'dancing' should provide adequate exercise. :)

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