Eye fergotted ter teld yer there woza fox int neighbours garden. Burds be going bonkers un eye looks over un sea's er cat walkin so eye claps me paws ter help scare it erway then sea's er fox comin outer bush but it urd the clap un went back int ter go tother way. Ah weren't scared. It were eggscitin.
Gid moanin tworl me fiend
Foxez shud bea shotted onsite! Verminus kreetshurs!
Henny weigh sonz cumminup hand scunner bea hay luvvli dai, swarm nar art hate dig reece, hand scunnergitswarmer ter sick steen dig reece layterer.
Avva fablus Sundi, hand ifyer kan git doon hand git durti, bert worr heiffer yerzizadoinof henjoi yersells.
Good morning all!
Have just arrived home from what has to be the best weekend I've had in a very long time!
Total blast!
No one was harmed in the making of this weekend (except maybe a little muscle soreness, though a small price to pay for the amazing time had)
Outrageous outfits with theatrical makeup. I love it when all the posh high brow nobs roll their eyes in disgust at our outragousness! Certainly livens up a usually drab pub :)
Boyfriends getting daggers from their partners (though I quite understand fence net stockings, tops only just hidden under a very slight piece of tartan fabric, deserve a thorough glance)
The only other slight injury to occur was that of a small blister on my right foot from the, absolutely stunning, 6 inch heel lace up leather buckled platform boots that I was paraded through a small but busy high street with. Ooooh the looks!
The disgust on people's faces!
Haha. Dharling pleasse! (Wink)

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