An eventful day yesterday. A Hippo got its nose punched by a little hatchback. Some damage to the hippo :( but the hatch was pretty wrecked. Happened just outside me house. Police were there pretty quick, blood wagon to get the hatch driver out took about an hour to arrive, the real emergency service (breakdown truck) took 3 hours to arrive. Both cars taken away on the truck.
Will the hippo be ok?
Right. That was another crappy week. Av ad enuff, am grumpy.
I has cleared me diary, no 'this needs tekkin ada dump' favours wiv me trailer, no neighbours 'Little (insert kids name here) bicycle needs to stop being a death trap,
no 'me fence as gone all floppy son', no 'take me to the garden centre love, I needs annuver Dahlia'.
The alarms are turned oft. Leaves me be..

Course, I know, five ayem tomorrow... :rolleyes:
Gid moanin hannah nappi Saturdi
Sreignin ear hand snotas warrum astwoz yesturdi, burt vats hokay
Eyew finks eye mite gwan plaigh wivmi Tratterer turdi cozshe flied frooer Hem oh Tea yesturdi, hand eyez anappi bunni
Avva guddun me fiends, hand member vat yerz hownli getsweat ont artsyde

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