Gid moanin orl yerz luvvli Tratterers ann Ippipottimouth anorl.
Me otters mayked nuff ott watter fura cuppa chai, swam avvin wun wivva shugger innit.
Tsonz art ants warrumin uppear, coz dairiesn't henny clards int sk-aye.
Avva guddun anbi nise twevriwun, cozzitz Mundi :p
Eye gotted dunnuoks int me garden eatin me meal wurms and takin thems erway anorl :)

They beer bit like bobbins but not wiv the red bit. If yer not lookin at em un dun't move, they will get close ter grab food or materials fer builderin ouses.

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Eye gotted dunnuoks int me garden eatin me meal wurms and takin thems erway anorl :)

They beer bit like bobbins but all brown. If yer not lookin at em un dun't move, they will get close ter grab food or materials fer builderin ouses.
..... and then the cuckoo moves in and makes should that load of babies does not get to see the world!:(
Right, don't start, fair warning.
I has bought an MX 5
I ain't a mincer
I ain't a hair dresser.
If you wanna take the ****, feck oft, then go drive one (is a lark) .
I wanted a second car to keep the miles of the tratter, why buy a boring one?
I bought a second motorbike, the keep the mileage off, but i likes it so much i wanna go buy a third, to keep the mileage off
I bought a second motorbike, the keep the mileage off, but i likes it so much i wanna go buy a third, to keep the mileage off
Gotta bike int garage that I bought new in 2007 and mostly used for a daily commute into London - by far the best way to get through the traffic. It hasn't seen many miles since 2011 when that job finished but always kept in pristine condition. Did a reasonable run on it last year to my annual club track day rally, 400 mile round trip - the longest run I have done since 1975. My legs nearly dropping off after the first 100 miles each way due to cramped riding position loaded up with weekend camping gear, so I've added a rack earlier this year. My mission is to add some miles on this year, starting tomorrow with a run out to Cadwell and back, have a brekky n watch the track day n ride back home. Sunny day ahead so kevlar denims instead of levvers. :D
1 Job for next couple days, maintenance on the LM
Less than a tenner :)
Great little shop lots of sign language and pigeon Bulgarian and hopefully all the bits needed for the summer season of butchering weed.

It’s one of those shops where they have all those stupid little bits, and he can resurrect anything:)

Just watched er bee getting through a gap in the mortar on the end of me window sill. Must be building a nest in me cavity wall. So Wednesdays job is a bitter pointing. Found three old abandoned bees nests under me floorboards a couple of years back when I was re-plumbing the central heating, thought I had sorted it out by putting fly screened covers over me air bricks. Little bu66ers are still trying to take over me pad.

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