Gid moanin me fiends ... ann Roamins wot dint lended eye there hears, coz twz no-bellier int mynd thin int art-raggious four-tunes, unt slugs ann harrers uv defeet ... ann vats frum Well-I-isn't Shayks-peer.
Tsunz arizzed ann brite int skye annits warm ear furra Chewsdi, swavva guddun, ann dint forlz offer yerz bykes, coz iturts.
A bunch of "travellers" have pitched up on our trading estate. (there's a horse fair near her soon). At some point this morning some dirty fecker had taken a dump out of sight round the back, right outside a fire escape. I'm all for live and let live but that's just taking the ****. There's a load of bushes within 20 feet! Durdy bastids :mad:
Did a nice run out on me bike terday. 85 mile round trip to Cadwell Park and met up with a buddy who arrived on a tidy early 1950's rigid framed velocette.
Great weather and good roads all taken at a sensible pace, no speed limits broken. And saw a tidy H reg (I think) defender parked up, white and with a wheel on the bonnet, extra lights and a steering gear guard. Anybody we know? Only downer was having to pay £9 for pie n chips and a coffee. :(.

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