Stunning day the back of Stafford, another night on the milk :)
Right, don't start, fair warning.
I has bought an MX 5
I ain't a mincer
I ain't a hair dresser.
If you wanna take the ****, feck oft, then go drive one (is a lark) .
I wanted a second car to keep the miles of the tratter, why buy a boring one?
Jesus fukin cryst
Stuft and satiated.
Sweet dreams you lot
Oh .. Oi! @Hippo ...yes you! Get to bed , afore you falls a slip inna chair :D
(Am feeling flippant :p)
Amer wake wotchin me scrap program. Kettles boylin then eye be goin int baf. Then eye be int bad. Eye aser nap this arter noon so eye still be woked. ;)

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