Can't wait to see how Oldseadog spells it :p
Gid moanin ter orl youze wot isor asbin "diss-com-bobby-layte-agin-Ted", hand eye splellzes too letterer wurdz loike 'eye-tea' lyke 'it', ser vere!
Henniweighs tsunz art hannitz kwite luvverli art vere sweye finks der dergs'll henjoy ha runnaboot.
Avva guddun wear heiffer yerziz anna nappi Sundi tworl.
Well that’s the weeds butchered almost looks like a lawn again:) that worked up a sweat.
Go over it again in a couple of days on a lower setting and collect cuttings next time.

Bleeding prime bulb on the mowers all perished so had to help it with ez start:D

Now to light the BBQ :) no ez started needed for that :eek:.

Lovely day here 24 in the summer kitchen and that’s covered in the shade:) very comfy.

Well that’s the weeds butchered almost looks like a lawn again:) that worked up a sweat.
Go over it again in a couple of days on a lower setting and collect cuttings next time.

Bleeding prime bulb on the mowers all perished so had to help it with ez start:D

Now to light the BBQ :) no ez started needed for that :eek:.

Lovely day here 24 in the summer kitchen and that’s covered in the shade:) very comfy.

The snow has gone then :)
Mrs went a bit mad with the digger. She also forgot it was going to be a raised border. So a 4ft deep pond became 6ft.
Has just over 3k litres of water to fill it. All the gutters drain off the house into the pond.
As for the fish, the bigger koi all over a few pound each.

Dog enjoys the pond for a swim in the summer if too hot
Eye be tup set wiv Sainsbury's. Eye fergotted my £1.50 vouchur oft me lasagna last week whens eye gotted one. Eye fort eye be taken the vouchur un receipt int this week ter claim ferra last week. Eye has done this befor but the bastids sed no this time coz me vouchur is outer date. Eye knows that but eye were claimin it ergenst last week un aser receipt but computa ses no. Kin bastids. Ah dint cry.

Eye borted meself crumpets ter console meself. 50p ont offer but that int right as they is always ont offer ferra 50p. They be eated already.
Right, don't start, fair warning.
I has bought an MX 5
I ain't a mincer
I ain't a hair dresser.
If you wanna take the ****, feck oft, then go drive one (is a lark) .
I wanted a second car to keep the miles of the tratter, why buy a boring one?
Ha ha ha, you'll be buying a freelander next :p
I've just sold my streetka to someone doing a charity rally to monte carlo then it gets crushed :D
Only a mans car for me now. Grrr:p

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