We had a glorious day today, spent most of the day helping the dive crew & welding inspectors, doing load tests
a whole load of time & wages for countless people for a 30 second lift. They have a deep sea dive frame that we
put 25ton on it, 2t weights & 4 x 250kg weights. We were getting to the stage of boredom so started messing about...
My mate said them 250kg ones on the back of the lorry I bet I can shift one by lifting it but couldnt get his hand in
the the space. So left it for 1/2 n oor. We slung them on the frame but when we were taking them off my mate said
if I can move this weight & you cant I'll be the strongest lad in the yard so I'll never hear the end of it. I slung it up
& wrapped it round my wrists & shifted it an inch...then he said right then & tried his hardest then his back popped
Then couldnt stand up now he's in hospital had an xray got mussel damage now off work

Kids these days eh