Got the passport photos done, yet another expense, not a big one admittedly.
Yessdi got an email from a bloke who ordered copies of both my books two years ago. (Sales are massively rare and he did it cos he is the mem sec for the Marlin Owners' Club and I'd been emailing him over other stuff. Discovered he'd been a teacher and had done similar work to mine in helping students get into top unis. In a school I knew in Bath. so he wanted to read them. )
So no fool and not easily fooled as in the same game.
Anyway his email was massively complimentary, in a calm and well-judged way. He really got what I was on about. It ended with the fact he had lent them to an ex colleague who had yet to give him them back. The last phrase being in block capitals.
So I think I may rewrite a second edition of both and, this time, time it right so I can get the Times Ed to review them.(They cannot review an "old" book, which is one that has been out over 3 months!)

(It'd only take me about 5 minutes!)
If my blasted brother can write 6 books and get them published, (and he has SEN! although I love him to bits and our mum did think he could write. )
then "Fight!".

(I don't think his sales are much better than mine! He has yet to tell me!! I have yet to read one
