Morning All. :)
I don't think I shall be messing with the mighty mini today in this weather the new dizzy can stay safe & dry inits box. :)
Nothing new to report, usual chores to do (fetch wood, lay fire up ready and the like). :)
Be careful out here if you are in the windy spots today. :D
Mornin all!
Went to the theatre yessdi, "A man for all seasons"!!
Somehow seems appropriate with the weather we are having.🤣
Suddenly, after I contacted PALS on W's behalf seeing as the hospicle was not doing anything:
She saw a stoma nurse Weds.
Today she is going in for premed.
She will be having her long awaited stomach op on 6th Feb.

Tis wondrous what a letter can do!
So we now have to get our paperwork in order should the worst happen. :eek:

Got the gearbox service kit for the D2 autobox as well, will be doing that when it calms down, and tightening up all the bolts I can see on the bottom of the valve chest, as has been advised. ;)
Weather here a bit windy but not too bad.
Take care and have a decent day folks!!:):):)
Hi all.

Re tow-bars and insurance.
I just rang SAGA and was informed that with them tow-bars are something you do not have to notify them about, so that is interesting. It figures on a list of about 4 things amongst which were mud-flaps, dash cams and protective paint!

However they no longer insure caravans etc etc, although they used to.

So I dug deeper to see if I was at least covered third party if I accidentally sideswiped a Rolls Royce or something with my trailer, and that answer is YES!
Huge relief.

I thought I would be as this was always the case before.

But just to let you know.
Maybe a I'll put this up on the General section of the forum.

I'll check first to see if it hasn't already been dealt with.

Edit. Not it hain't so I just have!
Good deed done for the day!
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I was going to dig out me ironing board and try some surf earlier

Unbelievably I put up a post on Nextdoor asking for anyone who knew of anyone who repaired PCBs as the bloke I used in the past has retired.
Not expecting much response, straightaway a bloke, retired electronix engineer, popped on and offered to have a look.
Well chuffed!

Things seem to be taking a more positive turn for us recently.
Hope this holds until after Feb 6th. (W's op).;):):)
The phone call to SAGA was fun!
The lady who answered didn't know the answers to my questions so she had to "arx" a colleague. He didn't know either so she had to go to the underwriter's website and go to their Q&A section. She then "arxed" it a series of questions and surprisingly got quite clear answers.
We had to talk over a screaming child. So either she was working from home or the peeps working at SAGA are very young!🤣
Anyway she was very pleased that I had "arxed" her all these questions as she had learned from them.
She arxed me if she could help me wiv anyfink else, so I was pleased to be able to tell her "no, fanks" and to say that I would let her go and see to her baby! 🤣🤣

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