Mornin all!
Went to the theatre yessdi, "A man for all seasons"!!
Somehow seems appropriate with the weather we are having.

Suddenly, after I contacted PALS on W's behalf seeing as the hospicle was not doing anything:
She saw a stoma nurse Weds.
Today she is going in for premed.
She will be having her long awaited stomach op on 6th Feb.
Tis wondrous what a letter can do!
So we now have to get our paperwork in order should the worst happen.
Got the gearbox service kit for the D2 autobox as well, will be doing that when it calms down, and tightening up all the bolts I can see on the bottom of the valve chest, as has been advised.

Weather here a bit windy but not too bad.
Take care and have a decent day folks!!