After having warmed up my croissants in the oven this lunch time, (lie in having necessitated this) we decided to put the little frozen leg of lamb in it, switched off, with the door just slightly ajar. (W having remembered then forgotten again to get it out of the freezer last night. Of course I didn't remember either.:rolleyes:)

About an hour ago we heard a bit of a crash from the kitchen.

A, or more, dog(s) had decided it was snack time. Cunning little creatures. 🀣🀣🀣
The joint was still more or less intact and so was the Pyrex dish.

I am now labouring away defrosting it in the microwave.
Funny howwum does that. Our golden cocker dog will have anything in reach including me sandwich lunch. He’m a total little
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Funny howwum does that. Our golden cocker dog will have anything in reach including me sandwich lunch. He’m a total little whatnot but the most lovable ovum orl. He’s had same training as orl the rest who won’t du it but no effect!
Yerp all three are cockers, same training and yet totally different characters.
Love um tho!🀣🀣🀣
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Acksherly, summat that weighs 50 kgs on erf would only weigh 8.3 kgs onna moon, as, being so much smaller, its gravity is that much less. Which is why the astronuts had so much fun jumping and skipping around on it!

There is a difference between mass and weight.

(Just to prove I do acksherly know a bit about Phisicks!!)🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
Point made, mass int the same as weight coz it's about the amount of stuff in it innit... Rememmer Moles?
Dunt think there's metric for weight proper, Uncle Google says the Imp for mass was a slug.. QI.
Funny howwum does that. Our golden cocker dog will have anything in reach including me sandwich lunch. He’m a total little barsdurd but the most lovable ovum orl. He’s had same training as orl the rest who won’t du it but no effect!
Our Parsons pup nicked the Missus' guvnor's jam donut this week, she's a little bandtit and has the mask to match. His fault obverously πŸ˜‡
Point made, mass int the same as weight coz it's about the amount of stuff in it innit... Rememmer Moles?
Dunt think there's metric for weight proper, Uncle Google says the Imp for mass was a slug.. QI.
What is amusing is that in space things have no weight but their mass means that inertia is important. So you could push a motionless spaceship with your finger, it wouldn't move but you would! Equal and opposite reaction. But you could push an 'ammer and it would go off into orbit!
Weight is basically a fairly meaningless concept unless you arer stuck on a planet. and even then it would vary from place to place on that planet. I thought a Kg was the weight which came about after gravitational pull had an effect on a certain mass of a certain density. Mass being just the physical size of summit.
Tis all good fun!
Yer quoted a post that contains a swear wurd thats been hidden wiv wrong letters. If we has swearing on the fred we could end up moved. Like dumped in the big freelander section. If yer delete said wurd yer lose yer angry face.
Wot again? That was an accident as I am very careful since you have pointed this out. I'll look back and see what you meant. Wot number was the post in case I can't see it?
Yer quoted a post that contains a swear wurd thats been hidden wiv wrong letters. If we has swearing on the fred we could end up moved. Like dumped in the big freelander section. If yer delete said wurd yer lose yer angry face.
So you mean Devonguy's post? With a reference to barstaff innit? I hope you told him off an 'orl.
So I now have to watch what others post as well?
OK, lesson learned.
I'll go back and delete it.

Done now!

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