Mine went off at the beginning of April, came on maybe twice when the granddaughter came and it was nippy ...

Now it's off 24/7 till probably November

If you're cold put a jumper on or wear long sleeved jimjams ...
Have to say it's been so cold over here that for the first time we can remember, in May, we have either had heating on or wearing more clothes. Me with a fleece on inside the house, never before.
....Eek! there is a potential calamity in the kitchen refurb plans. :(
The new breakfast bar worktop is 95cm wide, the old one is 90cm.
The sink in the adjoining worktop piece locks the location of the Right-angled joint between the two.
The sink-hole cannot be moved in its worktop that is a fixed position. :(
I can't have the 5cm of extra breakfast bar hanging over the other side of the peninsular run as then one edge would protrude into the kitchen doorway. :(
My only solution will be to take 2.5cm off each long side and bring it back to 90cm.... tricky. :(
Of course I can leave this problem to the nice man that will be fitting the worktops. :)
But, it's not his house and he doesn't have to live with the solution he comes up with. :(
NVM, I will find a way to sort it.
Draw us a diaphragm as I have been having to sort exactly this sort of problem out.
I can think of a few ways of doing it but none of them may be any use.
What material is the brekky bar? Laminate is one thing, but if it is granite or Corian or summat it won't matter so much.

You could for instance take 5 cms out of the middle.

We had a very similar problem with the granite worktop we had fitted over here. I did warn them when they came up to measure up, and warned them again so they came up and measured up again. Still got it wrong.
You can imagine about 5 burly blokes putting it in and then realising it didn't fit. 🤣🤣🤣
We sorted it in the end.
I deffo wouldn't leave it to the blokey doing it. Make plywood templates, best way then they have no excuse.

What about joining the two worktops on the diagonal? We did that last time but one we refurbed our UK kitchen, it worked fine.
Even onna moon.. Or a Black hole.
Is Sunday, let's do Mass 🤪
Acksherly, summat that weighs 50 kgs on erf would only weigh 8.3 kgs onna moon, as, being so much smaller, its gravity is that much less. Which is why the astronuts had so much fun jumping and skipping around on it!

There is a difference between mass and weight.

(Just to prove I do acksherly know a bit about Phisicks!!)🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Said worktop, wossit made oft?
Solid Oak 38mm thick. Made out of blocks (like bricks) all joined together (precision comb-joints on the sides and ends of each little brick). Each rail is probably about 38mm wide. So it looks like a brickwork bonded wall when viewed from above.
If I have to reduce the overall width by 50mm (5cm) it is probably best that I remove a whole row from one side and face it up and then just a thin strip of 12mm from the other side I reckon.
Solid Oak 38mm thick. Made out of blocks (like bricks) all joined together (precision comb-joints on the sides and ends of each little brick). Each rail is probably about 38mm wide. So it looks like a brickwork bonded wall when viewed from above.
If I have to reduce the overall width by 50mm (5cm) it is probably best that I remove a whole row from one side and face it up and then just a thin strip of 12mm from the other side I reckon.
Fur enuff!
Then you'll have a very nice set of marks to cut to/by! And you'll be able to face each edge nicely, wiva router or summink!
After having warmed up my croissants in the oven this lunch time, (lie in having necessitated this) we decided to put the little frozen leg of lamb in it, switched off, with the door just slightly ajar. (W having remembered then forgotten again to get it out of the freezer last night. Of course I didn't remember either.:rolleyes:)

About an hour ago we heard a bit of a crash from the kitchen.

A, or more, dog(s) had decided it was snack time. Cunning little creatures. 🤣🤣🤣
The joint was still more or less intact and so was the Pyrex dish.

I am now labouring away defrosting it in the microwave.

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