Well I did do Physics A level, but I know none who can speak French, never mind teach it.
But you are right, I am a real thicko when it comes to electronics. Never having studied it in any way shape or form.

Now back to Ethnomethodology.........;)

I couldnt say that never mind spell it. 🤣 🤣 Maffs n english are my worst subjects as I wasnt interested in them at school.
Got much better when I got promoted in the garage. :)
....Eek! there is a potential calamity in the kitchen refurb plans. :(
The new breakfast bar worktop is 95cm wide, the old one is 90cm.
The sink in the adjoining worktop piece locks the location of the Right-angled joint between the two.
The sink-hole cannot be moved in its worktop that is a fixed position. :(
I can't have the 5cm of extra breakfast bar hanging over the other side of the peninsular run as then one edge would protrude into the kitchen doorway. :(
My only solution will be to take 2.5cm off each long side and bring it back to 90cm.... tricky. :(
Of course I can leave this problem to the nice man that will be fitting the worktops. :)
But, it's not his house and he doesn't have to live with the solution he comes up with. :(
NVM, I will find a way to sort it.
....Eek! there is a potential calamity in the kitchen refurb plans. :(
The new breakfast bar worktop is 95cm wide, the old one is 90cm.
The sink in the adjoining worktop piece locks the location of the Right-angled joint between the two.
The sink-hole cannot be moved in its worktop that is a fixed position. :(
I can't have the 5cm of extra breakfast bar hanging over the other side of the peninsular run as then one edge would protrude into the kitchen doorway. :(
My only solution will be to take 2.5cm off each long side and bring it back to 90cm.... tricky. :(
Of course I can leave this problem to the nice man that will be fitting the worktops. :)
But, it's not his house and he doesn't have to live with the solution he comes up with. :(
NVM, I will find a way to sort it.
Said worktop, wossit made oft?
....Eek! there is a potential calamity in the kitchen refurb plans. :(
The new breakfast bar worktop is 95cm wide, the old one is 90cm.
The sink in the adjoining worktop piece locks the location of the Right-angled joint between the two.
The sink-hole cannot be moved in its worktop that is a fixed position. :(
I can't have the 5cm of extra breakfast bar hanging over the other side of the peninsular run as then one edge would protrude into the kitchen doorway. :(
My only solution will be to take 2.5cm off each long side and bring it back to 90cm.... tricky. :(
Of course I can leave this problem to the nice man that will be fitting the worktops. :)
But, it's not his house and he doesn't have to live with the solution he comes up with. :(
NVM, I will find a way to sort it.

Only ways I can see is cut tops or groove out the wall & set the top in.
I did wonder if 50kg of feathers would blow away so he'd be better using pea gravel. 🤣
He could put a mix of sand aand cement in there, roll it around a bit to mix it up, then chuck the watter in. Roll that around an orl, then leave it to set with the fillr bung uppermost. Then top it up and keep doing it until twere a solid fing. no rattling, then!!
Or a sand, cement, gravel mix.

Getting boring now! :rolleyes:

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