What is amusing is that in space things have no weight but their mass means that inertia is important. So you could push a motionless spaceship with your finger, it wouldn't move but you would! Equal and opposite reaction. But you could push an 'ammer and it would go off into orbit!
Weight is basically a fairly meaningless concept unless you arer stuck on a planet. and even then it would vary from place to place on that planet. I thought a Kg was the weight which came about after gravitational pull had an effect on a certain mass of a certain density. Mass being just the physical size of summit.
Tis all good fun!

So what would happen if yer smashed two hammers together. 🤣 🤣
Ta but I still dont know him. ;)
You ain't missed much although at the time it was quite good. Especially if someone had refused to take the money over and over again, opened the box and got the B**** prize. A carrot or something. Although they then explained that it'd be given to them at a racecourse to give to an 'orse that the show had put a ton of money on and you'd have a great day out!
Oh I did forget to tell yous, so ive been having a bit of banter with one of the young lads in the yard for months now.
I was on a boat & he was in my van but he couldnt see me.....he had reclined my seat right back & put my keys up in
the sun visor. haha

so he left his car
in the yard & went to work on a boat outside the yard. I had to move his motor cause I had to move some boats about.
Anyhoo I had a couple of roll of insulating tape in my pocket, taped his keys n wallet to the gearstick, his sunglasses, old fag packet & his trainers to his steering wheel then made a spiders web inside & taped his door closed from inside 🤣 🤣

Then I went round the workshop & sheds/machines & got every empty bottle & filled his boot up.
oh then I took the bucket off the machine & stuck it right behind his car so he couldnt get out. 🤣🤣

His face when he came back & said right I give in 🤣🤣 .....I was driving the landy & pulled up next to him
when going home sitting looking all cool shades on lol, I said have a nice weekend mate then floored the
accelerator & with the side exit exhaust he had a car full of black smoke 🤣🤣

Oh how we laughed 🤣🤣
Painted the kitchen today, cornice is a pain it took 3 coats to look white again. Not sure what to put on the walls I aint tiling them.
Might do some wet wall. Got some brick effect wall paper which I done last year it goes but think I'll get rid.

Went to the shops :oops::oops: got some new copper cutlery, some kitchen utensils ect new bins bla bla Misses was like what you
doing I said everything in the kitchen is going in the skip im replacing everything. (her face) 🤣🤣

Once its all done im buying a new toy I think I deserve to treat myself. :cool::cool:
Painted the kitchen today, cornice is a pain it took 3 coats to look white again. Not sure what to put on the walls I aint tiling them.
Might do some wet wall. Got some brick effect wall paper which I done last year it goes but think I'll get rid.

Went to the shops :oops::oops: got some new copper cutlery, some kitchen utensils ect new bins bla bla Misses was like what you
doing I said everything in the kitchen is going in the skip im replacing everything. (her face) 🤣🤣

Once its all done im buying a new toy I think I deserve to treat myself. :cool::cool:
I seriously don't know why people bother with cornice, well the shaped variety. Pelmet is OK as it hides all the gubbins to do with under-cupboard lighting, but the stuff up top?
Unless it kinda matches the shape of the pelmet and the side Deco panels.

As for what to put on the walls, couldn't you get a sort of kick-up piece? (Think it might be called "plinth") to match the worktop? Then kitchen paint above it to the bottom of the cabinets? We did that on one section, nowhere near either the sink or the hob or the ovens. Tiled the rest though.
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