Desperate WImblowdriver.jpeg
... that the plan is to drop all the kitchen floor cupboards by 1..2 mm and release the worktops from under the tiles without disturbing the tiling; then replace the cheap and knackered (all we could afford) false-mica worktops with solid Oak worktops and jack them back up again. Cost c. £850 + fitting + new sink & taps (maybe another £300)?.
Whilst also removing all the panelling from around the floor standing cupboards that make up the breakfast bar and replacing it with a thick 18mm plywood that is painted/sealed and then apply stained wooden slats to make them look pretty. Cost c. £500.

This will be cheaper than spending 10k on a new kitchen and she will be happy.
...with reference to the bloke who wnts to put a norse on our piece of land...
On reading up on it I can now understand why no one else in the area will let him.
It is fraught with a legal minefield. People who do this can have the blokey end up claiming grazing rights on the land more or less for ever with first option on buying it if the place comes up for sale.

If we do do it it'll mean getting a lawyer to draw up a legal contract.
What a flipping snore.
:( :( :(
Still miserable round 'ere. At least the wind has dropped away.
Can you not order your prescription stuff online?
Maybe we are lucky, but if we have stuff on regular prescription all we need to do is fill in a form online and our lovely, 7 day a week, small, non-chain chemists will put the request in to the docs, fill it and deliver it all for NOTHING!
They started doing free delivery during lockdown and kept it up for people who are old or need to shield.
And they are SO friendly and helpful.
Have a nice day!:):):)
No, this is just the repeat form that gets dropped in at the quacks. The meds appear magically 2 weeks later at the chemists. :D
Flipping DW didn't want to work properly on test. I plumbed it into the cold water to give it a proper test. It would pump out but wouldn't take water in, on a variety of progs.
W and I mulled it over, she wanted to kick it but I stopped her!
In the end we decided to put the water supply pipe back on the hot pipe where we have alwas had it up till now. Put it on the 30 minute cylce and, lo and begorrah, it is now running.
I will not dance until the fat lady sings but am a lot more hopeful.
I am wondering if the cold water supply pressure is too low as it is certainly higher from the hot tap than it is from the cold. And the Electrolux website says this can be a problem if the supply is at less than 20 psi.

Oops. Yet again stopped part way through a cycle and started beeping again, although it got a long way into it before this happened. At least it took water in this time.

Getting a bit fed up of this. :mad:
Just put your short arm & hand into that deep, deep pocket you old skinflint! :D
... that the plan is to drop all the kitchen floor cupboards by 1..2 mm and release the worktops from under the tiles without disturbing the tiling; then replace the cheap and knackered (all we could afford) false-mica worktops with solid Oak worktops and jack them back up again. Cost c. £850 + fitting + new sink & taps (maybe another £300)?.
Whilst also removing all the panelling from around the floor standing cupboards that make up the breakfast bar and replacing it with a thick 18mm plywood that is painted/sealed and then apply stained wooden slats to make them look pretty. Cost c. £500.

This will be cheaper than spending 10k on a new kitchen and she will be happy.
We did similar last time but one that we redid the kitchen and utility.
Just make sure that the walls at each end of any enclosed work top are at least parallel so that you can slide the old one out and the new one in.

Me and the ex s-i-l did this in an evening, which ended at about 0200 hours. So it is possible. We didn't drop the cupboards either, just unscrewed all the fittings to the worktop and cut through the silicone sealant.
But if the cupboards are on more modern feet which screw up and down that'll make it easier. Ours weren't they were all solid to the floor.
Will you not be fitting them yourself?
Will the noo worktops be the same thickness as the old ones?
Before and after pics if you please!
Good way for keeping the missus happy and saving a load of dosh!!
Just put your short arm & hand into that deep, deep pocket you old skinflint! :D
Well it seems to be working now. It did a full 30 minute cycle without stopping and beeping at us.
I have no real idea why but it did sort of do this when we first got back over here.
And now it is heating the watter up a treat.
I have yet to test it on the other 3 or 4 programs but I am more confident now.

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