Tree peony is in flower
Not too bad, once you have had a heated windscreen it's hard to go back

Go for the 2015 diesel same as Fl2 not the new crappy engines
Huh! My 1998 Disco 1 has a heated windscreen which now only clears the passenger side!
TBH I have never nissed having one and also I find seeing the fine elements a constant distraction.
I'd never go for anything that has as much or more electrickery as a Disco 2.
Spent all day clearing out the garage. Three runs to the tip. I can actually find stuff now. And I realised I have parts for cars I haven;t owned for ten years.
I have had a Pinto engine in a small trailer under a tarp for about 25 years. And I still have a Domomite Sprint 4 speed plus overdrive gearbox kicking around so long it is only worth scrap now. Stored it outside with no ATF in it. :(
So, good on you!
I collect parts for projects that I am slowly realising I will probably never achieve.
You is not alone on that one got a note pad now got fed up walking back and forward it come to a head when I went to the forest to cut a tree down and forgot the chainsaw 😣😣
Sympathies mate!
Last Thursday we went shopping for the first time ever with NO shopping bags!
Getting out of our house and away is a bit of an operation what with gates to open and lock back etc, so I put the door keys in the outside part of the door lock and hung the bags next to the lock so that when W came out after having given the dogs their treats :)rolleyes:) (we have to shut them in to stop them running out of the open gates), so she'd lock the door and pick up the bags.
She did lock the door!
While I took the cover off the car, put it inside the Disco, opened the gates, turned the car round etc.
Mid-Morning All. :D
Raining steadily (still). :(
Nice Sunday lie-in, a trip to the Drs. to drop off the prescription repeat stuff. :)
Brunch soon. :)
Have a lovely damp day! :D
Still miserable round 'ere. At least the wind has dropped away.
Can you not order your prescription stuff online?
Maybe we are lucky, but if we have stuff on regular prescription all we need to do is fill in a form online and our lovely, 7 day a week, small, non-chain chemists will put the request in to the docs, fill it and deliver it all for NOTHING!
They started doing free delivery during lockdown and kept it up for people who are old or need to shield.
And they are SO friendly and helpful.
Have a nice day!:):):)

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