... this morning we have painted the reverse side of the brick arch that forms the porch entrance in order to throw more reflected light into the hallway through that top window. It is a big improvement. :D

Herself is happy. 👍

Me sheppurds pie was a success. Beef mince. 2 unyuns. 2 carruts. Two hand fulls of pea's. 3 oxo cubes. 1L of water. Tomartoe puree. And me mash. Spuds. Butter. Milk. Made 6 up in utterly butterly tubs. Frozen solid int freezer for anuvva day. Eye ate the left overs.

Mince cooked first int microwave to get the water and fat oot. Them moved to me big slow cookerer with other ingredients. Mash done in me smaller slow cookerer. Next time eye will swop the cookerers round as the spuds took twice the time to cook and eye run oot of mash. It were full.

Mince were 6.5 sovs so eye fink the cost of ingredients comes in at 10 sovs or just under, at a logical finking guess.
Desided to hand sand me nooker woodern rails last night. Gottid 4 done. Nice un smooth. 2 to go. Its cheap square edge timber. Used me hand sander fing that has a handle holding a pad with sand paper secured. Finished at 10pm fanks to me flood light. Not making much noise so it were ok. Could hear the foxes yappin as they were searching peeps gardens. They stayed oot of mine.

Yesdi when eye had me belt sander running clamped to me wuk mate me back were to me burd feeder. Burds were landing on me garage and checking fings oot. Half then used me burd feeder until eye looked round and they flow'd oft.

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