My brother had a horse with Ryder sit on the bonnet of his Celica it was a wright off
This was the deer effect two nights running


Loosing the will to live :mad: :mad:
Washing machine wont drain now, switched it off for a bit hoping that it might re set but it wont drain.
Could do with an update anyway so looking for a good washer dryer cheap ,,, anyone ?
Is there a kink in waste pipe?
Have you checked to see something isn't trapped in the pump?
Bit pricey but my Samsung lasted 9 years and it was abused I think you can get a decent one around 350-400

Yay something I know about ( thought I'd get housewife jokes out first)
Waitrose delivered, no carrot! Unless one of the doggies managed to snaffle it and run away with it yet again!
Driver was telling us how hard it is for him to renew his shotgun licence he uses it to keep the wood pigeons down on a mate's farm. He says all his shooting mates are having the same problem and he is running out of mates to leave his guns with to stay legal. Flipping govt.
Also they are "Streamlining" his job, Waitrose trying to keep the cost of the food down by reducing wages.
Dry and boring here, waiting for the noo gardener lady to come.
Have a good one all. :):):)

You get a posh delivery form waitrose & you ordered 1 carrot 🤣 🤣 Ok then Jasper 🤣🤣
1 carrot, you order 1 at a time :vb-confused2:.

Yes! I don't like em much so W buys one to put in the ragout.
But she does buy mixed boxes of types of carrots for a veg
The reason is in the UK thay don't want people having guns due to the fact a up rising is about due no problem in the EU . Up to a sub machine gun
This makes interesting reading.

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