Waitrose delivered, no carrot! Unless one of the doggies managed to snaffle it and run away with it yet again!
Driver was telling us how hard it is for him to renew his shotgun licence he uses it to keep the wood pigeons down on a mate's farm. He says all his shooting mates are having the same problem and he is running out of mates to leave his guns with to stay legal. Flipping govt.
Also they are "Streamlining" his job, Waitrose trying to keep the cost of the food down by reducing wages.
Dry and boring here, waiting for the noo gardener lady to come.
Have a good one all. :):):)
Waitrose delivered, no carrot! Unless one of the doggies managed to snaffle it and run away with it yet again!
Driver was telling us how hard it is for him to renew his shotgun licence he uses it to keep the wood pigeons down on a mate's farm. He says all his shooting mates are having the same problem and he is running out of mates to leave his guns with to stay legal. Flipping govt.
Also they are "Streamlining" his job, Waitrose trying to keep the cost of the food down by reducing wages.
Dry and boring here, waiting for the noo gardener lady to come.
Have a good one all. :):):)
Prolly struggling to renew his SGL because he’s running round telling everyone he’s got a shotgun. The process is quite straightforward.

Waitrose, gardeners, snob.
Prolly struggling to renew his SGL because he’s running round telling everyone he’s got a shotgun. The process is quite straightforward.

Waitrose, gardeners, snob.
Don't think so, he's a decent bloke not at all a mouth-shooter-offer, we see him regularly. He says he is covered by Cornwall for his licence as Dorset just can't manage the renewing anymore. He's 62 and has had a chotgun since his teens, so I think he knows what he is about.

Me, a snob? How very dare you!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣
Afternoon folks:).

Lovely sunshine yesterday so warm didn't kick the fire till mid afternoon. Today was a different story, dull with no sun and chilly again. No visible snow left but by eck its cold out.

But it will soon be time for the workers to put their feet up and relax:).

If its sunny tomorrow I may sneak out to the garage, lets see how it goes.

Waitrose delivered, no carrot! Unless one of the doggies managed to snaffle it and run away with it yet again!
Driver was telling us how hard it is for him to renew his shotgun licence he uses it to keep the wood pigeons down on a mate's farm. He says all his shooting mates are having the same problem and he is running out of mates to leave his guns with to stay legal. Flipping govt.
Also they are "Streamlining" his job, Waitrose trying to keep the cost of the food down by reducing wages.
Dry and boring here, waiting for the noo gardener lady to come.
Have a good one all. :):):)
Need a license now to shoot woodys used to sell them to the French 35 p each with bags of 180 -230 was worthwhile plus the farmers where happy
Don't think so, he's a decent bloke not at all a mouth-shooter-offer, we see him regularly. He says he is covered by Cornwall for his licence as Dorset just can't manage the renewing anymore. He's 62 and has had a chotgun since his teens, so I think he knows what he is about.

Me, a snob? How very dare you!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣
The reason is in the UK thay don't want people having guns due to the fact a up rising is about due no problem in the EU . Up to a sub machine gun
...that the Rev counter on the Lathe is a big disappointment.
I've wired it up and it starts up with 4 Zero's (as expected) but when running the lathe it gives random results that are just too erratic for words. Using a separate hand-held laser rev-counter I get rock solid results right where I expect them to be for the chosen gearing. It is very puzzling. I will try a dedicated 12v power supply to the unit instead of the 15v power from the VFD.
...that the Rev counter on the Lathe is a big disappointment.
I've wired it up and it starts up with 4 Zero's (as expected) but when running the lathe it gives random results that are just too erratic for words. Using a separate hand-held laser rev-counter I get rock solid results right where I expect them to be for the chosen gearing. It is very puzzling. I will try a dedicated 12v power supply to the unit instead of the 15v power from the VFD.
Don’t know nuffin about lathe rev counters, but could the sensor be dirty?

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